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What's More Important Than $800,000 A Month In Cash Flow?

After our most recent Rock Star Inner Circle member event, many members told us how much they enjoyed coming out, which always makes the effort worthwhile.

In such a busy world, these events give us a chance to reconnect with people that we haven’t had a chance to see or hear from in a while.

The truth is that implementing new initiatives, writing multiple newsletters, articles, this weekly email, creating videos, attending and hosting conference calls, etc. can make you feel like you are locked away in a cave sometimes.

It’s the type of work that can be lonely and hard to stay motivated with; it’s like pouring your heart into a love letter by email (probably not the best way to go about things by the way), sending it out, and never hearing a response.

It`s a bit hard to pour your heart out over and over again.

Let’s be clear, we’re not whining about the work, just sharing with you the fact that we suffer from discouragement, distractions, and lack of focus just as much anyone else we have spoken with.

Part of the responsibility we ALL hold is to fight through those roadblocks with every ounce of energy we have and move on to the next task that gets us further to our goals. All this, while continually striving to make a positive impact on the people we encounter.

Let’s be honest, it’s not easy.

We all have our ups and downs.

But the most important part of that mission is “continually striving to make a positive impact on the people we encounter”.

That is the game changer.

Reaching for that is part of our Rock Star lives.

That’s why we wanted to share a card that arrived for us a couple of weeks ago from one of our Rock Star members.

“Tom and Nick

Looking back at the past 18 months of my life I’ve realized how much I’ve achieved.  My future has never looked so bright and I find myself always looking for the next opportunity no matter how small it may be.  These changes have extended far beyond real estate and investing and I never imagined the changes that would happen in my life when I started this journey.

I want to send a HUGE thank you to both of you for infusing me with excitement, knowledge and motivation to live my Rock Star Life and wish you both nothing but continued success and fulfilment in your lives.

Keep up the great work.”

This card came after a long month…yes, a long MONTH.  And it couldn’t have been timed any better.

It was exactly what was needed to make it all the effort that month worthwhile.

You see, what the person who wrote the card may not realize is that it is moments like these that cause us to look back and realize how much we have achieved.

Our Inner Circle members are generating over $800,000 each and every month in gross income on their properties.

That alone is a BIG deal, and it is only the tip of the iceberg.

But more importantly, they have used their investing experience and new found skills and transformed it into “excitement, knowledge, and motivation."

And stories like this infuse us with the exact same.

So everything that we were being thanked for was exactly what was being instilled in us by sending this over.

Some people mistake our message of “Your Life. Your Terms.” for one of being on easy street.  But that’s not the point at all.

It is really about becoming more than you are today, financially, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, socially, and in any other way that comes to mind.

Jim Rohn often spoke about the real benefit of setting out on a mission.  It wasn’t about achieving the goal, it was about who you became in pursuit of that goal.

It should really be taken one step further. It shouldn’t be just about you, but who else you can help along the way.

Who is it that you have propped up or propelled while you set out living life on your terms?

It not only makes a difference to them but it comes around to give you the same benefits.

Every investor/entrepreneur has times when they wonder “What the heck have I gotten myself into?”.

It’s normal.

We’ve been at this game for over a decade and those thoughts don’t disappear.

Tom and I are lucky that when one of us is trying to light a fire under our butts, the other is firing on all cylinders and ready to conquer the world.

But sometimes an outside influence is needed too.

It is inspirational for us to know that what we do has been able to play a role for someone else.  Our team, newsletters, videos, articles, teleseminars, lessons and stories from other members at our events have made a difference.

Thank you!

That’s the kick in the butt we needed…..back to work in our cave we go!

Until next time...Your Life. Your Terms.


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0 comments on “What's More Important Than $800,000 A Month In Cash Flow?”

  1. Just so you know, I read every newsletter that is written. You've completly changed our lives and continue to inspire us to reach new goals.

    From your teachings, Darlene (my beautiful wife) has been able to leave her full-time job to focus on the rent to own properties we have acquired and continue to purchase more.

    Although I don't normally reply to your newsletters, I wanted to let u know that there are being read and please do not stop what you're doing.

    We love your e-mails, CD's, monthly calls, quarterly meetings and
    get extremely excited when I get to the mailbox to find your mail.

    Thank-you from the bottom of our hearts!! You guys ROCK!!!

    Gary, Darlene, Oshay and Siyara Hibbert.

  2. Hey Gary,

    Thanks for your kind words and congratulations to Darlene!

    The determination that you have as a family is definitely the key ingredient but I am glad we could help out.

    I think we all have a lot more in store for us. Not only will the journey be fun, but sitting back, having a drink, and sharing the stories afterwards will be fun as well.....we just have to decide what exotic place we want to do it at. 🙂

    Talk to you soon.


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