Attn Real Estate Investors: Join Hundreds of Successful Active Investors on Sat Oct 5 – Details at

What Do Hundreds of Local Investors Helping Each Other Look Like?

Message from Tom & Nick

So on Tuesday evening we had our first ever Rock Star wide Networking Bonanza!

That's a picture of some of us above.

We thought perhaps we'd have 300 or maybe 400 register for it.

Instead we had over 600 registrations from Rock Star Inner Circle members.

Blew us away.

Ben Rabidoux came out to give us an Ontario real estate market update full of slides on rates, mortgages, population growth, housing supply and more.

Then we had a wide open networking setup with multiple different topics to start the conversations going.

Everything from student rentals, to creating legal duplexes, to financing options, to tenant screening and landlord rights, to legal issues, accounting for investors, Costa Rica properties, Turks and Caicos Airbnbs, multi-units, rent-to-owns, young investors, woman investors, luxury property builds and more.

It was a success.

It was super loud and we all lost our hearing a little...but it was a success.

And you know what stood out for me personally?

How diverse the people there were but we're all chasing and striving for the same thing... live life on our terms.

Nick and I met Rock Star investors on Tuesday from:

Scotland, Siberia, Poland, Philippines, Nigeria (one member, Michael, moved to Winnipeg from Nigeria and flew in for the event!), India, Croatia, Columbia and Peru.

I'm sure we're missing a few on the list too.

And then there were Canadians born all over Ontario who drove in from Ottawa, Sarnia, Niagara, Hamilton, Barrie, Orillia, Collingwood to participate.

We had young people, older people, both active and retired pro hockey players, federal prosecutors, teachers, physiotherapists, dentists, contractors, designers, architects, students of all ages, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and it goes on and on.

We're just so grateful to be in a room of such high quality people.

It's a blessing.

Here is what has become very obvious to us after running this business for 15 years.

We all come from different places, we all look different, we're different sizes and have different interests but...

We all want to live life on our own terms.

And I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

Some people there on Tuesday were at major inflection points in their lives.

They lost a job, moved cities, family disruption, wanted out of their current career etc. etc.

This is actually a blessing.

You don't make great changes in life without great pain. The frustration that you're feeling right now can fuel your next moves.

It's energy...harness it and use it.

I have personally met many people in my life who were "comfortable" for 25 years and then woke up and looked around and didn't like the life they saw.

Don't be that, don't accept comfort.

There's no energy in comfort.

Push yourself to new heights, throw yourself into new experiences, dive into new opportunities, jump at something that feels right. Be true to yourself.

Follow your own path.

The best part about living in honour of your true self is that you'll be contributing to the world at your highest level and with your best value.

This will not only benefit you...selfishly, it benefits all the people and the entire community around you.

By expressing and living the best life you can, not only do you feel great, but we all get the benefit of the incredible economic impact you produce.

For us this meant walking away from our corporate lives and diving into real estate, gold, macroeconomics, marketing, personal development, Bitcoin, and business development etc, etc.

Now we get to live a life of satisfying freedom.

Is it a perfect life? LOL, no. Do we battle problems? Absolutely.

Does this path have 100% more purpose for us than the path we were once on...YES.

And it's available to all of us. Many people in that picture above are already doing it.

You can too.

Get yourself around people who will support you and challenge you to do more.

"Two roads diverged in the wood, and I took the road less travelled by, and that has made all the difference." – Robert Frost 1874-1963 American Poet

Thanks for coming out, everyone!

See you around town...Go Leafs Go??

Tom & Nick

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