Attn Real Estate Investors: Join Hundreds of Successful Active Investors on Sat Oct 5 – Details at

The Future of Canadian Real Estate & The Economy

Message from Tom & Nick

Well that was an absolute blast.

Last weekend was the latest installment of the Your Life. Your Terms. Event and the house was packed.

We had people fly in from Vancouver, Calgary, Fredericton, Quebec City, Florida, and beyond.

There were Canadians driving in from Sarnia, Barrie, and Ottawa.

Back in the day, these things were about 80 people, myself and Nick, and our accountant.

Times have changed.

In a few short hours we try to jam in an entire 2-day conference worth of information.

This time was no different.

From Nick with the CEO of Greybrook Realty discussing local real estate trends, to investors building missing middle properties, to our own Mike Desormeaux sharing how to fix your cash flow issues, and Ben Perrin doing live Bitcoin demonstrations and discussing global human rights, to Jim Sheils sharing how Canadians are sometimes screwing up when investing in the USA, and a new Rock Star Economic Update…it was a lot!

And the sponsors that were there all shared tons of great information from years of experience.

We’re blessed and very grateful to be able to put these things on.

We don’t take the responsibility of having approximately 1,000 people in the room lightly.

Here are a few things we covered…

We extrapolated out where asset prices are going based on historical trends and the economy’s current need for more and more and more debt.

Check this out…

The first red tiny arrow is where the gap between incomes and property prices were when we started this business.

The second red arrow is the gap today.

The third is where things stand in 10 years if these trends continue…in 2034.

The fourth is what the gap between assets and incomes could look like in 20 years.

Insane, right?

Yeah, we think so too.

We don’t have a magical crystal ball of course…this is just a bit of a thought experiment.

We also looked at the future of ALL financial assets in 20 years and used a couple images from a great talk Michael Saylor, CEO of Microstrategy, gave on the topic (Source).

Here’s where things stand today…

And based on his projections using historical growth rates, here’s where things stand in 20 years.

Pretty illustrative, no?

He could be wrong of course. But it gives you a few things to think about.

1. Are you solely using the income from your career to “get ahead” and build financial freedom?

If the growth rates of debt and money supply hold at the current rate of approximately 8% it’s going to be difficult to save with that strategy.

Asset prices are going to continue to ramp up it seems.

2. With the coming onslaught of Artificial Intelligence agents what do careers and incomes even look like in 10 and 20 years?

We shared a recent study where AI agents were out scoring human doctors on accuracy of different diagnosis. Wild.

3. Are we all staying open minded enough about the future? Are you playing with ChatGPT, are you mixing assets like BTC and real estate to earn possible outsized gains (we shared an example of this this past Saturday), are you reducing any jurisdictional risk in your investing? Or are you living in the past?

We are in an era of great change.

And with that comes great opportunities.

Some of us are riding these trends and benefitting already.

Which are you?

The existing system is going to use the existing money system to navigate a new digital world. That likely won’t work very well.

As our friend Jeff Booth likes to say…

Abundance in money = Scarcity of everything else.

(Note: we have very abundant money right now as it keeps getting printed into existence).

Scarcity in money = Abundance of everything else.

What a great way to frame things.

Here’s what our crystal ball is saying to us:

Volatility is the new norm. Expect continued wild gyrations in interest rates, property prices, financial markets, and economic data.

The money printing won’t stop. Therefore, asset prices, while volatile, will likely rise in dollar terms as the money becomes more abundant and the assets do not.

The future is bumpy but we know the direction.

And it’s full of new opportunities.

Jump in and enjoy the ride!!

Thank you so much to everyone who came out last Saturday.

You give us a lot to be thankful for.

Until next time!

Tom & Nick

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