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New Apps, YouTube Videos, Articles, Podcasts We're Currently Enjoying

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We're changing it up a little this week.

Instead of sharing some rant on the economy, real estate or personal productivity, we're going to share some stuff we've been checking out lately.

Here goes...

Article this week:  Here's a great and quick read by one of our favourite neuroscientists, Dr. Robert Cooper, on the difference between feeling busy and actually getting stuff done:  Build More, Run Less -- Manage Your Brain So It Won't Manage You

Podcasts We're Enjoying:  Tim Ferriss continues to get some of the most interesting guests on his podcast. We have two that we really enjoyed:  The secrets of gymnastic strength training with Christopher Sommer and Fasting, Ketosis and the End of Cancer with Dominic D'Agostino.

Books:  Instead of just one book, we offer you Derek Siver's treasure chest of notes from his personal reading list. He ranks each book out of ten and ranks them accordingly on his page. I have not "bookmarked" a web page in a very, very long time but after checking this out, I immediately added it:  Derek Sivers Books I've Read

New App:  We've begun the free trial of focus@will. It's supposed to play scientifically optimized music to increase your focus and stop your mind from wondering. We'll see.

Business YouTube Channel:  If nothing else, Gary Vaynerchuk will pump you up. We don't agree with all his thinking or advice but his Daily Vee series of videos and Ask Gary Vee Show both offer gems of insight into someone who actually building businesses.

Reality TV YouTube Channel:  Casey Neistat is not only a brilliant video editing master but his take on life is light and inspiring. The shots he gets of NYC from his drone are stunning and the speed at which his rides his motorized skateboard through the streets of New York is jaw-dropping.

Money & Economy YouTube Channel:  Mike Maloney does the best job at breaking down money and complex economic topics. His current series on #Brexit is a fun watch.

Furniture We're Investigating:  Furniture? Really guys? Yeah, we've been checking out furniture lately. We've both been testing out standing desks and quite like them but Focal Upright Furniture just takes it to a new level, looks amazing.

Favourite New Electronics:  We've tested out these Bose noise cancelling headphones on several long flights now and they're really good. They block out almost all of the engine noise and just give you peace and quiet on a long trip even without music or an audiobook playing. Loving them, but they're pricey.

And there you have it.

A whole bunch of things we're recently checking out, listening to, watching, reading or wearing.

Hopefully, there are a couple goodies in that list that can positively impact you.

Until next time ... Your Life! Your Terms!


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