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How to Create Streams of Cash Flow For 25+ Years & Butter Time!!

Message from Tom & Nick

Well, just landed back from Florida.

I was down in Naples for a few days with some high school friends.

Aside from being in 24 degree sunshine for a few days, I was mesmerized by this grocery store we stumbled into called "Seed to Table".

It's like a Whole Foods on steroids.

Inside they have a full ice cream parlour, a massive bakery, two wine bars, a smoothie bar, a huge stage on a second level with a live band playing...

...and they had something else too, check this out...

I walked up to the butcher and asked to buy a ribeye. He picked out a beauty and then said, "Hey would you like us to grill that for you right now?"

I almost fell down.

They took my $17 ribeye (which would have been $50 CAD here) and proceeded to offer me a choice of one of twenty sides and then grilled it up to perfection with my sweet potato...and lumped on a huge piece of cinnamon butter to finish it off.

I sat at a table next to the wine bar, where for $8 I had a great glass, and listened to the live music.

This is all inside a grocery store.

That wasn't even the best part. Afterwards I walked over to the dairy area and found a wall of butter so large with so many options that I immediately started grinning ear-to-ear...perhaps even let out a little chuckle of joy.

Yes, I'm strange, I know.

But wow do they have their act together.

I can only dream of that many butter options up here.

In fact, I think I dreamed of $17 ribeyes last night. LOL!!

Good times, wow.

OK, on to serious business...

We've been in this real estate game for some time now.

Our mom rented out rooms in our family home just off Weston Road in Toronto for $14 a week. That included her changing and washing bed sheets.

Our dad began flipping properties "on the side" of his drywall business in Mississauga near Eglinton Road and Hwy 10 in the late 1980s.

We barely survived the 1990s real estate destruction.

Nick and I began flipping properties and buying rentals almost 30 years ago.

We started Rock Star in 2008 in the middle of the "Great Financial Crisis".

Over that entire time we've heard the same thing over and over and over again.

"Now is not the right time to get into real estate, prices are way too high, there's zero cash flow available at these prices".

We've heard that line at least 1,000 times, perhaps more.

We had one of our own team members conclude prices were too high when Hamilton full detached homes went from $220K to $235K back in 2011 or so.

Here's the deal.

With some creativity there are ALWAYS ways to generate positive cash flow.

Especially with single family homes. You can run them as rentals, rent-to-owns, convert them to duplexes, add a garden suite, etc.

You just have to put on your thinking cap.

It's why we like single family homes so have a lot of options.

Including...wait for it...renting them to students next to the big Universities.

We have done this for about 25 years now.

We've never had any vacancies, not even over the summer.

We've never had rent payment problems.

We've always had positive cash flow.

And the rents always "bump up to market rent" when a group of students graduates and the next ones come in.

Check this out...

My son's house at Western was renting out for $619 for the last 3 years (for his room).

He's graduating and the house is being re-rented out for...$925 per room!

If you're not familiar with the opportunity that good student rentals offer then we're about to change that.

On Wednesday, February 7th at 12pm EST, we're going to host:

Get Access to the Top-Tier Student Rental Investing System That Could Yield As Much As $120,000 in Yearly Income!

Wed Feb 7 at 12pm EST
LIVE on Zoom
Click right here to register for the class.

This is open to everyone!!

We're not talking slum student rentals here. We're talking clean houses, with ensuite bathrooms in many of them, with beautiful kitchens and wonderful common spaces.

You need to know where to find them. Not all schools are made the same.

And you need to know how to run them. The leases need to be done properly to protect you.

You should also know how to rent them out. This process produces incredible demand that often has you renting out the house in one showing!

On Wednesday, February 7th, we're going to break it all down in this live class with Anthony Molinaro, part of the Rock Star team and an experienced investor.

Even if you're not "into" student rentals you should at least know what's going on.

We've helped investors buy hundreds of these over the years and many refuse to ever sell them.

​Click right here to register and save your spot for this one-time LIVE class!!

Cash flow does exist, it is possible, and many investors are creating it right now even with these interest rates.

There is always an opportunity to create new streams of income.

And the beautiful part about the student rentals we're discussing is they involve single family homes...which will become a unicorn in Southern Ontario very shortly.

That's it for this week, everyone!

If you see someone rummaging around the butter aisle at the grocery may be me, say hi, LOL!!

Tom & Nick

p.s. Don't forget to register for this LIVE "Creating Streams of Cash Flow with Good Student Rentals next to Good Schools" Class on Wednesday, February 7th at 12pm EST, click right here to save your spot!

p.p.s check out the latest Rock Star Minutes video we did: Orangeville Duplex Conversion & Cash Flow. Click the image below to watch.

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