(Image rjp)
It's amazing the path we all go on...
Today we were chatting with a friend about all the different books we've read over the years.
I told him that I went through a phase where I didn't listen to the radio for 12 years straight because I was constantly listening to audiobooks - and still am.
Just for kicks, we were combing through past orders on our Amazon.com and Amazon.ca accounts to see what we ordered a decade ago.
It looks like back in 2002 and 2003 we were still playing around with stock option trading because I found these two:
And then I found these...
And these...
And there's more ... we just got tired of looking through them.
At this point we have hundreds of books lying around and there's a shipment from Amazon.com or Amazon.ca or Chapters/Indigo arriving each week.
Isn't it interesting at how at different phases in your life your reading list?
Today our reading lists are very different than this.
And although some of the books on this list I wouldn't recommend to others ... each one of them played a part in shaping our thinking.
Stuart Wilde's book was very different from Robert Allen's book but both influenced us.
I actually went on to buy every single book Stuart Wilde ever wrote - some of it CRAZY stuff, but interesting nonetheless.
There are other authors where we've done that. We own every single Dan Kennedy book too.
Actually, both the Dan Kennedy book on this list and the Frank Bettger book had huge impacts on our own belief in ourselves ... and changed our thinking as to what's possible. We still actively recommend both of those.
The Frank Bettger book is mandatory for anyone getting into Sales or has a fear of it.
In an attempt to offer you some value other than just sharing this crazy list here's the best little-known secret we can share with you ... we now listen to a ton of books in the car via the Audible App on our iPhone.
You can buy books off Audible.ca and then they magically appear on the Audible App on your iPhone.
And with the funky Bluetooth technology in cars these days the books play right over your car speakers.
It's magical.
If you find yourself searching for direction in your life, buying books to help you get through it all ... know this ... you're not alone.
We're all on our own journeys and books have played a large role in the lives of many of our own mentors.
Keep at it! At the very least you're building a nice library for yourself 🙂
Until next time ... Your Life! Your Terms!
Books change lives. Jim Rohn is another life changer!