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6 Holiday Time Reading, Videos & Resources to Check Out...

Holiday Time Reading Videos and Resources

(img: kevin dooley)

As 2016 winds down we often enter into a period of personal reflection.

It's amazing how fast time seems to be flying by and technology doesn't seem to be granting us any "time off."

In our uber-connected world, it's difficult to find time to ourselves. Even vacations to remote destinations now have free and fast WIFI to tempt us all.

Nick and I both love shutting off email over the Holidays to spend some time planning for 2017, journaling, and reading.

With that in mind, we thought we'd share some resources you may want to explore over this Holiday season.

Here goes...

The Renegade Millionaire Blog

Blog Post:  The 7 Income Streams of Millionaires

The Renegade Millionaire Blog, by Rob Minton, is a treasure of quick and short, but extremely insightful, posts. Rob has a knack for sharing very useful lessons from his past in an impactful manner. Rob has been a great mentor to us and we continue to follow his journey through his blog. Click through some of his other posts, you'll find some great stuff.

Wait But Why

Blog Post: Putting Time in Perspective - Updated

The Wait But Why blog is often a hilarious read. Tim and Andrew do a great job of breaking down big concepts. One of our favourite posts is "Putting Time in Perspective" where they use charts and graphs to illustrate how little time and impact we have on this planet. You've gotta check it out.


Derek Sivers' Book Summaries Website

Good Read: So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport

If you don't know who Derek Sivers is, check out the next section below, he's worth getting to know. Derek has this awesome section on his personal website where he ranks books he reads on a scale of 1-10. He then takes things a step further and shares his book summary notes, it's incredible! We've linked above to one of our favourite books of the year, So Good They Can't Ignore You, by Cal Newport. The entire book is worth a read but if you can't get to it read Derek's summary. And then check out other books on his list by clicking here: Derek Sivers Book List.


The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast

Great Episode:  Jamie Foxx on Workout Routines, Success Habits and Untold Hollywood Stories

If you find yourself driving alone a lot then podcasting is for you :-). Nick and I hardly drive even five minutes without having some sort of audio program or podcast playing in the car. Tim's network is vast and he manages to get a wide range of characters on the show, everyone from low-carb neuroscientists who deadlift 500 lbs, to one of the world's elite obstacle race champions (she's a woman by the way), to a chess prodigy and a navy seal who fought in Iraq. You won't be bored and you'll likely laugh and learn too. The Jamie Foxx episode was one of our personal favourites, we've linked to it above. Another great episode when Tim interviews Derek Sivers, you can check that one out by clicking here.

Casey Neistat's YouTube Channel

Great Video:  Make It Count

This one is handy if you're looking for some pure escape online. At first, we couldn't understand why Casey had over 6 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. But over time he grew on us. He's a New Yorker and filmmaker who gravitated to YouTube to share his creativity. For the last couple of years, he's been doing a daily video blog which he just stopped. Spending time watching him ride his electric skateboard and fly his drone over NYC sounds silly but somehow he captivated us. He's about to release a Holiday video which should be a blast. We've linked to one of his most viewed videos above and you can check out his entire channel by clicking here.


Gary Vaynerchuck's YouTube Channel

Great Series:  Daily Vee

This guy has more energy than the Energizer Bunny. He's incredible and we have no idea how he keeps going the way he does. We began to keep track of Gary during his Wine Library days where he grew his father's wine business into a huge empire. If memory serves, he took it from $3 Million to $30+ Million in annual revenues. He's now started a digital marketing agency and is documenting this journey through his Daily V videos. And he has a Q&A show regularly where he tackles incoming questions. He swears a lot so be prepared.  Click here for his main channel.


And there you have it. We've linked to blog posts and book summaries and YouTube channels for you. Hopefully, there's something in there that catches your interest.


Turn it all off and spend some time journaling, meditating and reflecting ... that may be even better 🙂

It's been a great 2016, looking forward to 2017!

Until next time ... Your Life! Your Terms!

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