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Time Management - From the Serious to the Ridiculous

Setting goals and managing time has been critical to our personal growth.

Many moons ago I used to do a happy dance if I spent my day on "busy work", like renewing my license or getting some phone calls and paperwork is taken care of.

In the span of five years, with active time management and goal setting, we've gone from zero clients and zero business to owning a brokerage that does multiple seven figures in revenues, has hundreds of great clients and over 275 million dollars worth of property transactions.

Earlier this week we gave our first ever Goal Setting & Time Management Class in our offices to a great group of Rock Star clients and members.

One of the things we shared during that class was a list of all the books that have helped to guide our goal setting and time management strategies.

We thought it may be helpful to share those with you here.

The Books

1. The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Les Hewitt & Mark Victor Hansen

This is the first book that really got us to understand the power of choosing "one thing" and getting it done.  I read this for the first time in the late 1990's I believe and it's left a lasting impression on me for years.

2. The Millionaire Maker by Loral Langemeier

For whatever reason, we totally discounted this book.  Thank goodness we picked it up.  Loral has an amazing way of describing how to create your "life plan" on one sheet of paper.  This is the book I followed to create the plans that ultimately made me quit my job.

3. No B.S. Guide to Time Management for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy

What can we say... Dan Kennedy is like a hero to us.  His advice on marketing has made us hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars.  He's the best, get this book if you're having trouble blocking out chunks of time to do work.

4. The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gavande

Made us understand the power of checklists.  We heard Richard Branson mention many times that he uses lists of all kinds and this book really illustrates the power of them.  Love it.

5. The Compound Effect by Dan Hardy

Very powerful read.  Extremely motivating.  Talks about the power of consistency in your life and how your habits build and build to ultimately produce a result that you may not want.  Great read.

6. The Way We're Working Isn't Working, by Tony Shwartz

A++.  If there's one book we'd recommend on the whole list this would be it.  However, it's a tough read ... much easier to digest as an audiobook.  Just get it.

7. Michael Masterson's Personal Productivity Secrets

This 28 page booklet summarizes day-to-day time management strategies better than ANYTHING we have EVER read.  I cherish my copy of this like it's my first born child.



The Ridiculous - to some but not to us πŸ˜‰

8. Time Timer

Yes, this thing is crazy but it forces to get stuff done and block out distractions and we really do use it.

9. 3" x 5" Index Cards

Old School index cards are for cool kids.  We use everything Michael Masterson shares in his Personal Productivity Secrets and these cards play a critical role.  They are perfect for to-do lists and categorizing your lists with the property importance for the day.  We hate digital to-do lists.

10. Paper Based Calendar with Monthly & Weekly View

Did we mention that we hate digital to-do lists?  Great, we also hate digital calendars.  Paper-based all the way baby πŸ™‚

11. Gmail

Best email service for searching your mail.  A lifesaver.  We use it for business as well via Google Apps for Business... even the business edition is free and you get to have your own domain instead of

12. Boomerang for Gmail

Check this out... lets you clear your email and send messages back to your inbox if no one responds to an important email plus other cool options... two thumbs up.

Business Building Resources (Bonus stuff)

13. Ready, Fire, Aim by Michael Masterson

Best book to teach you about the "numbers of business".  Not the accounting ones, the ones that make you money.  If you're just starting out, get this book.

14. The Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish

If your business is already generating over $500 K in revenues then it's time for this book.  Amazing quarterly planning guides that we use regularly.  A helpful guide to get your business into a 7-figure land.



And there you have it.

Some of our favourite time management resources.

We'll leave you with Yogi Bera's famous words:

"If you don't know where you're going you might end up somewhere else."

Until next time... it's your life... might as well live it on your terms!


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