As you may know, we measure all of our marketing.
This blog, sign-up rates, website visits, training class registrations etc.
And one thing we've constantly been surprised at is the effectiveness of weekly email newsletters and monthly paper-based newsletters.
The new business they create and the relationships they develop have been shockingly impressive.
So if you're thinking of starting a business or are already in business one of the best things you can add is a consistent newsletter to your database of prospects and clients.
And these shouldn't be "boring" newsletters all about your industry or product.
They should be personality based and interesting.
Here are a few things we've learned over the years from our own experiences:
1. Your newsletter (either email or monthly paper-based newsletter) should be no more than 40% relevant content.
So if you're starting a business about "knitting quilts" then only 40% of your newsletter should be about knitting and quilts.
We've seen many newsletters that are 90% focused on their "product or service".
That gets B-O-R-I-N-G real quick.
If you're looking to create lifelong client/customer relationships then 40% relevant content is your max.
Why do you think we share stories about our Aunt going to jail or almost peeing in our pants.
The other 60% of the newsletter should be made up of these things...
2. There's a bunch of what a mentor of ours, Bill Glazer, calls "semi-relevant content" that should be included. At a conference a few years ago he gave a great break-down of what can make up this component:
Customer/Client Spotlights
Employee Spotlights
Q & A
Photos that show people doing what you are selling
Demonstration of people Referring new clients to you
Highlighting what other services you offer
3. Next, you want to include some completely "non-relevant content":
Calendar of events
Seasonal References (Halloween, Thanksgiving, New Year's etc.)
Charity events
You should always have an "opening monologue".
Just like Jay Leno does at the start of every show.
Or more impressively, just like Regis Philbin, used to do at the beginning of each show.
Remember how he shared where he went the night before, what he ate, who he met? That's exactly the type of "non-relevant" content that keeps people interested.
We all want to know what other people are up to - whether we admit it to ourselves or not.
Next, put some thought into what you're trying to accomplish.
Will your newsletter help retain existing customers, will it attract new customers?
Put offers in your newsletter that align with your purpose - just don't go over the 40% "relevant content" threshold when you do it.
Lastly, a good weekly email newsletter or a monthly paper-based newsletter has done a better job at creating, maintaining and strengthening our relationship with people than anything else we've tried.
Especially the paper-based one. With some much "digital FaceBook/LinkedIn/email" noise we've learned that communicating in paper is very powerful.
That's it ... hopefully you found that useful!
Until next time ... Your Life! Your Terms!