Today, we're hosting a small group of Rock Star Platinum Members in the office to give them a "behind the scenes tour" of how we run this thing!
We're sharing operations playbooks. Marketing systems.
And some of the "top secret" ingredients in the Rock Star process.
We'll never forget when we decided to quit our jobs and we visited Rob Minton's office in Ohio back in 2007.
It blew us away.
When we saw how he was using direct response marketing, hosting classes, doing educational property tours, and interacting with new investors, it gave us the confidence that we could do it too.
Sometimes you just need to see how others are doing things to give you the missing context needed to do it yourself.
Hopefully we can have an impact today!! Time will tell!
OK, on to very serious matters...
We got the 0.5% rate cut this week that everyone was expecting.
With inflation so low we're probably getting another 0.5% rate cut before the year is out.
Was anyone predicting that six months ago?
Not really.
Are we surprised by this? No, not at all.
Here's a tweet and chart from James Lavish that we shared at the latest Your Life. Your Terms. Event.
Check it out...
The bottom line on that chart pays for the top line.
(And even though this is U.S. data we're in the same situation here in Canada, the U.S. just does a better job sharing its data so it's easier to use their stuff).
Here's what that chart is showing us...
It's now taking over $3 of new debt to create $1 of new economic growth as measured in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
If you look back at the 1970s and 1980s that wasn't the case at all (we know the chart is small...we're referring to the far left side).
Then in the 1990s the debt began to grow faster than the economy.
In the 2000s, it really started to separate.
And last decade it just took off.
Now it's launching higher, faster.
Some economists employed by our government will get on TV and tell you that this isn't a problem.
That both the U.S. and Canada have never defaulted on paying their debts and people need not worry.
What they don't tell you is WHY they haven't defaulted.
Because think about it, how can the money you OWE outpace your income for decades?
Well, the government just creates the money it doesn't have out of thin air.
They disguise this in all sorts of word salad and with banking processes that are intentionally complicated to somehow infer importance.
But it's all about covering up the FACT that your money is being stolen from you via debasement, also known as, money printing.
Check out the Bank of Canada's own calculator. They label the last box as "Decline in the value of money".
Since I was born in 1973 the decline has been staggering, look at that.
And that's the "official" number. Reality is far worse in our opinion.
Now back to the chart we mentioned earlier.
As the top line increases further do you think we're going to need more or less money printing to cover our debts as a country?
Do you think your personal income and investments will keep up with the amount of debasement in front of us?
Again, look at that chart above. Does the trend seem to be changing any time soon?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that there's going to be A LOT more loss of purchasing power, a larger decline in the value of money, and more central bank money printing in our future.
The question, to us, is this...
What are you going to do about it?
How are you planning to stay ahead of this financially?
Will you sit still and accept that the wealth gap between asset owners and non-asset owners is going to explode higher?
Will you ignore the reality in front of you and stick your head in the sand?
Will you avoid making the hard choices today that will serve you well tomorrow?
Do you really want to live life on your own terms or not?
Or are you willing to accept the government's monetary terms?
Not us.
We choose freedom.
When people laughed at our real estate decisions, we doubled down with confidence.
Seriously, back in 2009, we had people laugh in our faces about Hamilton, Ontario as a great place to invest. Laugh-in-our-faces.
We had one experienced investor tell us to stop talking about Hamilton...that the city's real estate would never appreciate. Now, of course, we wish we had bought more, LOL!
Today, those properties that were $225K are selling for $750K-$850K and have cash flowed for over a decade.
When people laugh in our faces for discussing Bitcoin as much as we do, we shrug.
What can you do? The facts speak for themselves now but most people choose to ignore them.
At the last event we held, someone pulled me aside and told me to stop talking about Bitcoin. It was like a flashback to the Hamilton conversation.
"If you want to be successful in life, simply watch what most people would do in a given situation, and then do the total opposite" - Earl Nightingale
Today most people think real estate is dead, Bitcoin is speculative, and that the government printing money is "normal".
Realize that most people do not live life on their own terms.
So if you want to then challenge the status quo. More and more people are waking up to the fact that, when it comes to money, we've been given poor information.
The time is now, you can front run a lot of the monetary madness ahead. Keep learning, keep reading, keep going!
That's enough for this week!! Hope you're enjoying the great weather!!
Tom & Nick