We’re a lucky couple of brothers that’s for sure.
Last night, we held our semi-annual “VIP Dinner” at Harpers Landing in Oakville.
That’s Nick with a bunch of the best people you’re ever going to meet.
There’s another 100 or so Rock Star VIP Members in front of them that you don’t see here.
Right in the forefront of the picture are Toni and Marilou. They have been Rock Star Members since 2007!
They immigrated to Canada and somehow found us via a newspaper ad we were running. They jumped into the world of real estate investing with both feet and haven’t looked back.
These dinners give us a great opportunity to catch up with so many new and long-time members.
I think some of the best feedback we get is the amount of education and new perspective on the economy and personal finances that members tell us they get from Rock Star.
And we always feel so blessed to see all these great people interacting with each other. Laughing, sharing both success and challenges around owning real estate.
But it goes deeper than that.
So many members now have known each other for years, they meet outside of Rock Star events as well. They help each other out in a million different ways, they vacation together with their families, some do real estate deals together and others start brand new ventures.
It inspires us to keep going with this whole Rock Star thing.
What started with Nick and myself quitting our jobs and working with about three people has turned into something much more.
If this was just about the real estate I think we would have stopped by now.
But we’re on a mission. We want to help people understand how money and the economy work on a deep level.
We want to play a small part in helping people live life on their own terms.
This experience we each have on this planet is much too short to live any other way.
With that, let’s dive into some economic stuff that we should all be paying attention to:
Wild times.
Check this next point out…
The U.S. is adding $500 billion per month to its debt load.
Year-to-Date U.S. interest expense just passed $969 Billion…poised to pass $1 trillion shortly.
So revenues are down, expenses are piling up and the interest payments are epic.
Does any of that sound sustainable to you?
Now, look at this Canadian data point…
If you don’t, your purchasing power as an individual or as a family falls behind.
And Canada has increased its M2 money supply by 33% since January 2020.
So if you have not increased your income or net worth by the same amount you’re getting debased…and you’re getting debased quickly.
We can all feel it at the grocery store.
A bag of groceries that used to cost $20 suddenly feels like it’s $80 to me!
It’s absurd…but when you understand how the credit system of money works you understand that this is all by design. The current money system must debase its currency in order to survive.
Governments are poised to raise all sorts of taxes higher and higher and higher as they all run debts larger and larger and larger.
Brace for the next few years, we’re in the debt storm now and it’s going to get wild.
So what are we doing about this?
Well, we believe if you understand what’s going on there’s always a way to front-run the madness.
That’s why we’re hosting the Your Life. Your Terms. Event on Saturday October 14, 2023.
And we’re bringing in some super sharp people as guests to share their experience and knowledge with us.
Jeff Booth, the author of one of our favourite books, The Price of Tomorrow, will be live and in-person, flying in from Vancouver, to share how he sees the future of money, jobs and the economy unfolding this decade.
His views are amazing and will likely shock you.
Jim Sheils is flying in from Florida to teach us all the state of rental properties in that state. There’s so much poor information out there that we decided to ask our most trusted source on investing in Florida to come in and break it all down for us.
Sasha Cucuz, CEO of Greybrook Securities, is in house to share what some of the biggest real estate developers in Canada are doing in this high interest rate environment. Are they building, are they pausing, how are they forecasts real estate demand and prices…what’s going on?
Nick is going to be sharing all the latest local real estate data “from the streets” that we’re seeing here at Rock Star.
And I’m going to present a brand new, fully updated, Rock Star Economic Update. These are our personal notes on how we are tracking the economy and what we’re doing to prepare ourselves for the next 14 months.
We’re staring at a LOT of volatility ahead.
Best to be prepared and up to speed on what’s going on right now.
These are wild times…historic even.
On Saturday October 14, 2023, this is your chance to get together with other local Canadians to share, learn, brainstorm and more.
We have a special promotion going on right now on tickets to the event:
Tickets are $175+tax. But only until tomorrow.
After that, the price will go up to $256.5.
You can read more about what’s going on Saturday October 14, 2023 right here: www.YourLifeYourTermsEvent.com
Or go straight to snagging a ticket for yourself here.
Rock Star Members: there's no extra cost for you to attend this event!
If you'd like to register, simply reach out to the Membership team and they'll handle your registration for you.
And before we sign off this week, we have one more thing for you…
Part 2 of Anthony Molinaro’s journey with Mike Desormeaux to find his next income property is live!
Anthony secured a property and walked through why he chose the property, what he’s going to do with it and the potential rental income he’s going to generate!
You can check it out on YouTube right here: https://youtu.be/DUSKerNpqFQ
Don’t forget to subscribe to the Rock Star YouTube channel while you’re there.
That’s it, everyone!
Remember, wild times present great opportunities for those who are ready.
Get yourself up to speed on the M2 money supply and its impact on your life.
Sounds geeky we know, but it’s important.
See you next week!
Tom & Nick
p.s. Tomorrow is your last chance to save on tickets to the Your Life. Your Terms. Event. The combined experience and knowledge of people who'll be there has the power to change your life. We've seen it happen multiple times. You don't want to miss out. Full event details & tickets are at www.YourLifeYourTermsEvent.com.