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Rock Star Inner Circle > Angelo Vumbaca & Fabio Campanella - Estate Planning, Wills & Why Real Estate Investors Need to Have One

Angelo Vumbaca & Fabio Campanella - Estate Planning, Wills & Why Real Estate Investors Need to Have One

If you have a rental property, or two or ten, then don't dismiss the importance of having a rock solid Will.  If you're taking the time to build a real estate portfolio then also take the time to have your estate in order otherwise the government will do it for you.  On this episode of The Your Life! Your Terms! Show we sit down with Angelo Vumbaca ( and Fabio Campanella ( to break down exactly why you need a Will and the role it plays in estate planning.  This is an often overlooked area and it's super important especially if you're planning on passing some of your properties on to your children.

Listen to the full episode here:

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