Take a look at Santorini, Greece. I am on a cliff that is 350 metres high and is possibly the most beautiful place I have ever seen!
I called into Tom the other day to see how things were going and it turned into a one hour call about all the financial news out of the USA. That is some big stuff!!
It can happen to anyone that gets over leveraged. Remember Donald Trump? He was billions of dollars in debt at one point. I heard him speak and he said that he took his eye off the ball and start making some business moves that weren't of sound principles.
It sounds familiar, right? The loans that the US banks were investing in were not of sound principles either. That is what has led to the roller coaster ride we see today.
That is why getting the proper knowledge and remaining focused on your investments is so important, especially to smaller investors.
Here is an example of someone getting into an investment without the facts. It is an unfortunate instance for them but playing the 'speculation game' can be costly. Click here to see the Toronto Star article.
During our conversation, Tom also told me about one of our clients who just received thousands of dollars from a tenant before he even purchased the house. I remember my first meeting with him and the skepticism he had in using a proven system.
This whole trip that I am in the middle of was all funded by one of my Real Estate investments. Yup, a single investment that I own has actually paid for about three trips for me just in the cash flow alone. Plus a lot more in appreciation, mortgage pay down, and taxes over the last few years.
I did the research to invest with sound principles. Make sure you do too!
And if you are looking for the information I am speaking of, make sure you come and visit me when I return by registering for our free class below.
- Nick Karadza
P.S. Are you are interested in learning more about some of the investment principles we look at, how I got one investment to pay for my globe-trotting, or how to collect thousands of dollars from a tenant before you even own the property? Visit https://www.canadianrealestatetraining.com/ for a free class.