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A Perfect Example

At the beginning of this year I wrote a post about living with passion. It got a lot of great feedback, it you missed it click here to take a look at it.

I was in Montreal this weekend with some friends for the hockey game between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens, and I saw a perfect example of a passionate business. 

Yes, the hockey game was good too!  There was a lot of trash talking amongst the gorup of guys I went with (the trip was considered a stag party), but ultimately we were all friends in the end.  Which can be hard sometimes betweens fans of Toronto and Montreal.

While walking the streets of downtown Montreal I decided to walk into the Apple store.  In the past I have not been a big Apple supporter, in fact I may have given a graphic designer I know a hard time simply because their computers had one mouse button.  But, my recent iPhone purchase has made me eat my words.

But that's not the point!  This is......apple_genius_bar

The picture is of the Genius Bar inside the store.  There were two Genius Bars one was for Mac computers and notebooks and on the other side of the store there was one for devices such as iPhones and iPods.

The Genius Bar is on site, live technical support.  You can book an appointment online or in person.  Then you bring your hardware in and they will hook it up and walk you through any problems you may be having.

How's that for a customer experience?

I am a skeptic but it sold me.  I did not know that level of service existed with any technology company.....and it looked cool πŸ˜‰

But this is what sets Apple apart from the rest of the pack.  Their customers understand they are dealing with a company that 'gets it'.

When you think of Apple and their products, immediately innovation and 'WOW' factor come to mind, and that is what passion gets you.

I should also mention that their store is proof that less can be more. The stores are simple, slick, and allow for a HUGE dose of customer interaction. Walking up the stairs to the upper level felt like I was approaching the gates of heaven.

Plus, the two staff members I spoke with were champions for the company. They believe in every product there and it was very apparent.

This one retail experience had a huge impact on my opinion of the company.

So how does this apply to you and I?  What a great question!!!

Rock Star Real Estate is not the size of Apple........yet!! πŸ™‚

But having enthusiasm and trying to over deliver is what we strive for. We realize that we are a very different type of company within our industry.

We are the only brokerage we know of that strictly deals with residential real estate investors (if anyone else knows of one drop me a line, I would love to reach out to them)

When it comes to investing we are the company that 'gets it'. We do things differently to maximize the success of the people we work with....... A LOT DIFFERENTLY

I am out of time today but next week I'll continue to show you how we try to implement the same principles, how you can to with your investments, and why it will increase your real estate investment success.

Remember, live your life on your terms, "Your Rock Star Life"

- Nick Karadza

P.S. Last week we ran out of seats at our Free Real Estate Training. Because of this we scheduled another one in April. If you are coming out please register early so we can make sure we hold a seat for you. Click here to go to the registration page.

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