"The most positive, motivated, supportive and informed group of doers I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of – That's how I would sum up my experience as a Rock Star Inner Circle Member! - Michael Genchi

Rock Star Inner Circle

The Most Active Group of Real Estate Investors in Ontario

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Turning Real Estate Theory into Real Life Results
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What Our Members Are Saying

"It helps us think outside the box, stretch ourselves and dream. It's a good thing. Thanks for making a difference. The events and the training you provide make a difference in people’s lives."

Anthony DeGazon
Mississauga, ON

"I look forward to continuing to help each other grow personally and professionally so that we can all progress towards living “Your Life, Your Terms”!"I am very grateful to be a part of this exceptional network."

Charles Wah
Hamilton, ON

"The thought of buying a property as an investment was frightening at first. We had lots of the questions but it didn't take long to get the answers we needed to feel comfortable and get looking for that first."

Chris & Rhonda Martin
Grimsby, ON

"I thought that a corporate job and investing in the stock market was the way to financial security. Boy, was I wrong!! We currently have 5 properties, and plan to continue to grow our real estate portfolio! The added value of the classes and the quarterly Events are priceless! Nick, Tom, and the entire Rockstar team are motivational and inspirational. I am impressed with their passion, innovation, their desire to impart knowledge to members, and their commitment to giving back to their communities. Becoming a Rockstar member has been an amazing experience and privilege."

Brenda Yeomans
Mississauga, ON

"I attended their free class back in February 2016 and I was immediately taken by the down-to-earth and positive nature of both Tom and Nick and the other coaches. I was also pleased with the very low cost of membership and the amount of TRUE VALUE they were offering. Things that all members have access to like, free classes on everything from property management to legal and taxation issues (they add classes every few months - even fitness and health classes - unreal!). You also get access to an entire Rolodex of vetted professionals to help you deal with any real estate issues as well as a solid network of like-minded individuals – real doers who you can learn from."

Michael Genchi
King City, ON

"When I joined in 2013, my wife was less than enthusiastic about me joining what she thought was some kind of real estate pyramid scheme. 2 years and 3 houses fully tenanted later, she is now on board and recognizes Rockstar for what it really is: a group of like-minded people who come together in a positive environment to help you succeed in real estate investing. No more "dream big and it'll come true" wishy-washy marketing hype--it's a solid step-by-step (hand-holding at times) process to get you from A to B (whatever your B is)"

Stuart Harrison
Burlington, ON


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