For Serious Investors & Growth Oriented People only:


Click Here to Upgrade to VIP

Join an Exclusive Group 
of the Best, Brightest, and Most Successful 
Real Estate Investors, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Big Thinkers & Massive Action Takers 
with Direct Regular Access to Tom & Nick and their Latest Insights

Access to JOIN the VIP Group Only Happens once a year!
Get in Before The Doors Are Shut ON NEW VIPs 
Deadline: January 3rd, 2025


Click Here to Upgrade to VIP

From: Tom & Nick Karadza

By now, as a Rock Star Inner Circle Member, you know what it’s like to be part of this amazing community of action-takers. You get it. You’ve stepped into the world of “Rock-Star-Style” investing, and you’re making things happen. You’ve gone from just dreaming and planning to actually doing. You’re no longer on the sidelines, watching others succeed—you’re right there, putting in the work, getting real results, and probably even surprising yourself with how much your mindset has evolved.

This isn’t just about learning anymore; you’re applying what you know and seeing breakthroughs. You’re a lot like our top Members, and that’s exactly why we want to take you to the next level.

The only question that we have for you is…

Why aren’t you a Rock Star Inner Circle VIP Member?

Click Here to Upgrade to VIP

Read on...

One of Nick’s favorite sayings is: “The BIGGEST difference between an average income and Financial Freedom is IMPLEMENTATION.” – But there’s another thing that skyrockets people up the ladder of success; access to the best and brightest minds in the field. And if you haven’t reached the top of the ladder, or if you know you could do better, that could be what you’re missing.

To be completely blunt, over the past few years we have helped Rock Star Inner Circle Members acquire over ONE and a HALF BILLION dollars in investment real estate. The systems and processes we’ve created have given us national exposure and attracted speaking requests to other investing groups around the country. Why? It’s because we deliver FAST, PHENOMENAL results. Together we’ve guided hundreds of investors to achieve the success in real estate investing that they were searching for – for years! Will you be next?

Or perhaps you want to grow your income streams beyond just real estate?
Business creation, development, growth, and systems are the other focus of this group. We openly share the most successful strategies we’ve used to grow our business from two guys working out of a storage room trying to figure out the next steps to one of Canada’s fastest-growing on the Profit 500 list for five straight years.

Creating multiple streams of income was the tipping point financially for us. The impact was so huge that we wanted to help other people do the same thing, but avoid the missteps we took.

Everything covered in the VIP group is from the first-hand experience, by us or anyone involved. 

Frankly, we’re still learning from many of the members as well.

We guess it could be our fault that you’re not already a VIP Member.

Joining Rock Star VIP and getting to know you guys and some other members has been an amazing ride thus far. I have learned so much and continue to reference back to information when it is needed. 
I want to thank you both personally for the super 
network Rock Star has provided me and the invaluable information and sessions you have to put out. Your time and efforts to make this all happen are commemorated. I look forward to continuing a lifelong relationship with you guys and the Rock Star group and of course in purchasing some great properties and building a nest egg portfolio.”
Ryan Mucci
Woodbridge, Ontario

Maybe we’ve failed to specifically and directly invite you…

To fully explain the privileges and information reserved EXCLUSIVELY for VIP Members, to push you about this.

Or it’s possible you haven’t joined because you just became aware of all the benefits of this higher level of Rock Star Inner Circle Membership including direct, live, and in-person, intimate access to Nick and me. If that’s the case, we can fix that right now with this letter.

If there is one thing that is absolutely, abundantly, inarguably clear about our Members who keep breaking their own records, topping their own incomes, hitting one new peak after another; it’s that they invest heavily in acquiring and using EVERYTHING we make available – especially to VIP Members.

There’s a rapidly growing list of these members who’ve increased their year-to-year cash flow… started new businesses or added-on more properties using systems that cut their work by 1/3rd while increasing their net worth.

If you ask for a show of hands at a Rock Star Member Event, as to which members are taking the most action and which are VIP Members, you’ll see the same hands. It’s just NOT a coincidence that they are the ones “in the front row” of everything that is offered. VIP Membership does NOT “cost”… it is an investment!

Maybe you haven’t joined because you feel you’re already getting more information than you can put to use. To put it bluntly, that’s a sad excuse to stay in the minor leagues. It probably means you’re wasting too much time doing stuff that’s a ‘2’ on a 1-10 opportunity scale.

It’s our firm belief that most people completely UNDER INVEST in both their long-term investing AND their personal development. The VIP Program was created to help solve this.

Actually, THE best reason TO step up to VIP Member is so you can create time and productivity and investing breakthroughs. Furthermore, nowhere else do we laser-focus on the highest value info in such concise form.

Well, whatever the reason you’ve been missing out, we’d like to fix this mistake right now – and offer you a list of valuable BONUSES as a reward for taking IMMEDIATE action. (Plus, you’ll actually get to network with the ‘Best of the Best’ Rock Star Inner Circle Members in this ‘exclusive’ program… as you will soon see!)

"Tom, Nick and their team are a constant source of Inspiration (with a capital “I”) in anything related to business, achieving your goals, general self-improvement and learning. The Rock Star membership, including everything I learned along the way, my personal experiences and exposure to a like-minded group of individuals with a common goal was a MAJOR paradigm shift for me - a person who had always worked a “corporate” 9-to-5 job. Their enthusiasm and energy are absolutely contagious - and, most importantly, it’s not fake. They practice what they preach and if that wasn’t enough (although it really should be - they are amazingly efficient and quite successful thanks to their dedication and laser focus on their goals) - a huge group of investors that formed around them is a living proof that when you disregard the naysayers, overcome the obstacles, ignore the negativity and put your mind to something - you will achieve it. Even if you never invest in real estate - simply being around these guys energizes and motivates beyond belief. If you do invest - hands down, absolutely the best investment advice you can get would be from them. I sincerely believe that my views and my life has changed immensely, since I’ve been introduced to the Rock Star team. If you are hesitating whether to join or not - don’t. It is absolutely worth it and you would be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t."
VIP Member Teymur Mammadov
Mississauga, Ontario
Click Here to Upgrade to VIP


BIG BENEFIT #1 Live Quarterly VIP Training Classes

4 Quarterly LIVE & IN-PERSON Training Classes & Town Hall Sessions Led by Tom, Nick & Special Guests

There are several items that we are consistently asked for:

  • More Rock Star Quality Training Classes
  • More "Behind the Scenes" of the Economic Updates, More Personal Development Strategies & More Insights Into Real Estate
  • More Time to Network with Action Taking Investors

We’re answering the call with Quarterly VIP Exclusive Half Day Training Classes & Town Hall Sessions.

Each Quarter Get the Very Latest:

Behind the Scenes Economic Updates, Real Estate Developments, Hot Seat Insights, Effective Business and Marketing Strategies & High-Performance Personal Development Breakthroughs...

Important Special Note on VIP Classes: Class topics and content are constantly changing in real time to ensure VIP Members are getting the very latest information, and access to exclusive guest speakers—no two VIP classes are ever the same!

Here are examples of past Monthly VIP Classes

EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS: How Technology is Changing the Real Estate Game Forever: Learn How Technology Platforms like Addy Invest are Enabling Investors to Develop Real Estate and Raise Money More Efficiently Than Ever Before with Steve Jagger from AddyInvest

Steve Jagger, Co-Founder of Addy Invest, flew in from Vancouver for a special evening chat with Tom.

Addy Invest is no longer just democratizing real estate by allowing you to invest as little as $1 into real estate deals...

Their technology platform is now completely changing the real estate game!

They’re now leveraging their platform to..

Allow you to post your investment projects on their platform to crowdfund and raise money from the Addy audience...

Work with cities and get zoning changes approved much faster for investors...

Allow employees, stakeholders, and even members of the local community to invest in and earn an equity stake in development projects...

And so much more!

Tom sat down with Steve to hear how Addy is changing real estate investing as we know it and how you can leverage this new tech for yourself!

EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS: Bitcoin: The Apex Financial Asset of Our Generation: Advanced Insights on Bitcoin’s Role in Finance Over the Next 24 Months & 24 Years With Tom & Nick

People have forgotten what good money is.

This is the primary reason that the Bitcoin opportunity continues to be missed, dismissed and laughed at by many “financial experts”.

We’ve grown up in an era of fiat money, as a result modern economists don’t understand good money when they see it.

In this discussion we have a Bitcoin 2.0 discussion on where this asset is headed and what it means for real estate, equities, bonds and gold.

Tom and Nick share some “behind the scenes” information we’re starting to get via our network and investments we’ve made into this space.

EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS: Spotlight Panel of Long-Time Rock Star VIPs Sharing What They’ve Learned & What They’re Doing Right Now: With a Panel of Long-Time Rock Star VIP Members!

The VIP group is filled with incredible stories and incredible people.

Some of the stories remain relatively unknown for privacy reasons but it’s fair to say that the group is filled with some low-key MASSIVE action takers.

We invited several long-time VIP members onto the stage to share what they’ve learned over the last 5, 10 and 15 years as members and investors.

Mistakes, successes, challenges, opportunities and what they’re going to do with their investing and their lives next.

Over the years we’ve been shocked and surprised at what some members pull off with their finances and their properties ... buckle up, this was a no-hold-barred, free-speech zone where anything goes and everything is allowed!

EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS: Advanced VIP Real Estate and Economic Update: 2025 Forecasts, Interest Rate Predictions & The 5 Big Trends We Are Preparing To Ride into 2030 With Tom & Nick

There is so much going on in the macro economic world it’s hard to keep pace. Fortunately, many of us are set up properly to ride the current trends and profit from them wildly.

What does Trump’s win mean for Canada and Canada’s economy? What does the new DOGE committee they’re implementing mean for inflation in the USA? What does all of this mean for Canada’s economy, its impending election and future?

Tom and Nick break down the latest data on fiscal policies, debt loads and interest rate trends. This discussion will cover both global economic data, Canadian economic data and Canadian real estate trends that we’re seeing now and expect to see over the next 12 months.



We experimented with this once before and it worked out so well we’re incorporating into select Rock Star VIP Classes.

TOWN HALL SESSION: As part of the classes we’ll have an open Town Hall format question and answer session that will allow us to share with each other.

We can discuss anything on your mind: mortgages, interest rates, housing prices, U.S. investing etc.

The VIP Group is made up of investors with vast experiences and often the answer you’re looking for on almost any topic resides with someone in the room.

So during the classes, we’ll open up the floor to free flowing question and answer time between Rock Star VIP Members, special guest speakers, and the Rock Star team.

We’ll be there moderating it and participating as well. In the past, these frank discussions have helped investors with tax questions, with flipping properties, with website traffic generation and Joint Ventures and more.

Your peers make up a powerful resource and this format quickly turns into an effective “mastermind” session between like-minded individuals.

Of course we also discuss ADVANCED ‘What’s-Working-NOW’ strategies with top real estate investors from within the Rock Star Inner Circle membership.

For example, you recently missed a class that got more positive feedback than any others… Time Management Simplified: How To Manage Your Time To Achieve Maximum Results. Achieving peak productivity is the quickest way to achieving more. We revealed to VIP Rock Star Members our secrets for implementing a system to add (at least) 10 more productive, money earning, hours to your week.

Time Management is one of the easiest concepts to overlook, take for granted and ignore but it’s no exaggeration to say that by following what we shared on this class was 90 minutes that could have transformed your life!

But that’s not all...

ALL VIP classes are a time to get to know fellow VIPs.

We have conversations about real estate of course, but also about family, kids, life, purpose, continuing education, vacations & vacation properties, Bitcoin...and so much more!

The network of people in that room has become very powerful.

That’s why each class takes a break to mingle, enjoy food and drinks together, and build lasting relationships with likeminded people.

Of course, VIP Rock Star Members also get access to the recordings of every class in the VIP ONLY section at RockStarMemberSite.com as a back-up, in case you missed the class (although you’d be crazy to), and file for future reference… building a unique and exclusive ‘Success Library’ not available to the public.

BIG BENEFIT #2 Rock Star VIP Member Only FREE Semi-Annual Dinner & Networking Event

Yes, you read this right!! Twice a year we get together as a group simply to eat and build relationships.

Nick and I will be there... AND, hopefully you will be there too! Rock Star VIP Members are the best, brightest, and most successful real estate investors, with the most amazing marketing and sales skills in the Rock Star Inner Circle. This is your chance to meet them. Your chance to make Joint Venture relationships and make deals. Your chance to learn what they are doing successfully and copy their models.

At the risk of sounding COCKY – What would a day of networking with other Rock Star VIP Members and ‘live’ access to both Nick and myself be worth to you? Not to mention the opportunity to meet and rub elbows with the ‘Best of the Best’ Rock Star Inner Circle Members.

These VIP Dinners have exceeded even our wildest dreams of what is possible when you gather up an incredible group of people. We rent out the ENTIRE restaurant exclusively for you.

We are CONSTANTLY reported to that these dinners are of priceless value. The opportunity to share successes and perhaps more importantly…brainstorm solutions to current challenges…with other successful investors is worth pure GOLD.

This is a group of people that understands what you are going through and can give you the kick in the rear that you need to reach the next level. Countless, life-long, relationships are created at these dinners along with business relationships and real estate partnerships. This is the place to rub elbows with the best of the best.

VIP NETWORKING: We can sometimes get comfortable in speaking to the same people over and over again. This isn’t the best way to get fresh ideas or new answers to your challenges.

The Rock Star VIP group is chalk-full of very successful people in the very diverse industries and niches. This is your opportunity to surround yourself with a group of new peers who will quickly become some of your closest.

We’re told over and over again that the people VIP members meet at Rock Star Events and Dinners become very valuable resources, friends and sometimes even Joint Venture partners.

BIG BENEFIT #3 Access to Exclusive VIP Sections of the Your Life. Your Terms. App and Member Site – Untap the Wealth of Years of VIP Knowledge with Class Archives!

We’ve all had those moments where a problem pops up at the least convenient time. You know the solution was discussed in a class you attended, but WHAT EXACTLY DID THEY SAY?

Don’t stress or second guess. It’s easier than ever to quickly reference back and get the answers you need when you need them. VIPs can jump onto the VIP section on their phone or computer, pull up the class and find the answers they need. It’s that simple.

Your time is valuable.

That’s why we’ve ensured VIP Members have direct access to all VIP resources, classes, and more in the Exclusive VIP section of the Your Life. Your Terms. App and RockStarMemberSite.com.

You’ll also find all of the bonus lessons VIPs are sent when they upgrade, so you can access them whenever, wherever. Plus, you can download the classes and bonuses so you can access them anyway, regardless of internet connection.

You’ve heard the proverb, the best time to plant a tree was 100 years ago, the second best time is today.

The same holds true with VIP classes. The best time to have listened was when they happened live, the second best time is today!

The wealth of knowledge shared in these classes is still just as applicable today as the day they were first shared... now is your opportunity to digest the entire archive of VIP classes, available on the YLYT app or www.RockStarMemberSite.com, and to implement those lessons into your life, business, and investments as soon as possible.

Here are just a few of the lessons all VIP members learn...

EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS: Ontario LTB Updates, Trends & Strategies with Paralegal Kelly Hawkes

We all know smartly leveraged real estate is one of the very few ways to outpace inflation.

It’s widely accepted that income properties can help you “get ahead” financially.

But there are things to be aware of.

One is interest rates ... that’s a variable that’s outside of our control and a risk factor.

The other is the Ontario Tenancy Act ... we need to stay on top of it.

That’s why we asked Kelly Hawkes to give us all insight into wait times, tenant trends, recent rulings and how to best plan and prepare.

Real estate investing is all about having an “information advantage”.

By staying current with happenings and trends at the Tenant Board we can often front-run any possible problems.

EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS: How to Create Lasting Connections with Your Children

Busy Career = Busy Parent.

There’s no getting around it.

But if it were possible... how would you like to give the same focused energy and attention to your family as you do with your business... without adding extra hours to your day?

You probably know Jim Sheils best as the owner of our partner, Southern Impression Homes, in Florida.

As you can imagine, Jim has his hands full running SI Homes (and hosting Rock Star Members on Florida property tours).

However, with his wife Jamie, they have another business they’re even more passionate about.

And that’s called 18 Summers - where they help entrepreneurs, professionals, and busy parents build the best possible relationship with their families.

In his talk, Jim is going to share their ultimate family formula for lifelong parent-child connection, trust, bonding, respect & experience.

Get ready to learn how to take your relationship with your child to the NEXT LEVEL!

EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS: How to Keep Yourself Safe & Secure Online from Hackers, Scammers, and Cyberthreats

More and more of our lives are spent online in the digital realm.

We plug in to manage our finances, banking, telecommunications, home security, private files, and even our life savings via Bitcoin.

Protecting your digital presence has become a top priority item, something you can no longer “hope the best for” that you don’t get hacked.

As phone, email, and online scams multiply in Canada, nation-states conduct cyberwarfare, and “trusted” third-party sites holding our private information continue to be breached, we must all be on guard and up to date on how to protect our digital fortress.

That’s why we brought in Anton, a cybersecurity expert, to teach you best practices for keeping yourself safe and secure.

From your finances and banking, to home security, to Bitcoin, Anton will show you how to survive the new digital age and sleep well at night knowing you’re protected!

EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS: Rock Star Mindset: The Key Principles, Ideas, Thinking & Strategies That Shaped Us

You can have all the best information about real estate, interest rates and investing in general but if your mindset isn’t set to serve you ... you’ll struggle while others are thriving.

We’ve seen this time and time again. Two people, with the same information and opportunity, achieve massively different results.

And we’ve seen this in our own lives. Multiple times we’ve had our own thinking corrected and it’s unleashed massive gains in our productivity and wealth.

Over the years we turn to a handful of guiding principles that have had the biggest impact on our lives and we’ll be sharing them.

We consider your mindset to be the foundation for your relationships, your happiness, your money making, the opportunities you’re offered.

The entire trajectory of your next few years can be affected by a single change in your thinking today.

The compounding of principled action is powerful.

This session is blunt and very direct ... but done with love.

BIG BENEFIT #4 An “INVITATION ONLY” Facebook and Telegram Group Exclusively for VIP Members to Network in Real Time!

Having a network of like-minded individuals you can easily connect with, ask advice, and share experiences is invaluable. Rock Star Members can do just that by joining the private RSIC VIP Facebook group.

This forum is your chance to ask questions, get answers, share strategies, and maybe even find a JV partnership or more in an environment for VIP Members ONLY!

The VIP Facebook group is your place to:

ASK: Being a part of an active group of investors has benefits, including experienced advice and trade recommendations. Whether you’re looking for a contact in a specific area, advice, feedback, introduction, etc. this group is an invaluable resource for quick, useful answers.

GIVE: You’re a VIP and you have valuable knowledge and experience you can share to help others excel in their own journey. This is a great forum for giving back and sharing strategies, forms, expertise, and lessons you’ve learned that can benefit fellow VIPs.

PRAISE: You’re praising someone in the group for something they’ve done or helped you with. Since there are many requests for different contacts, this can extend to people outside the group if you feel it can be beneficial.

NETWORK: Building connections, learning from active investors, having discussions, and gaining motivation from a group of doers that will challenge and motivate you to succeed. Many Joint Venture partnerships have started by the connections formed in this group. Access to like-minded individuals who are actively doing what you’re trying to do is a gold mine!

STAY UP-TO-DATE: Your Rock Star Membership team will keep the group up-to-date with the latest exclusive VIP classes and news.

This is exclusively for VIP members, so access is by request only! If you’re a VIP Member, one of the Rock Star Membership Coordinators will let you in! You’ll then have complete access to the group. You’ll be able to search the group for previous discussions on topics you’re interested in, comment on existing posts, or create a new post to start a new conversation!

It’s never been easier to have such a high-caliber group of investors come together!

I just wanted to say thank you for everything you guys do!

The VIP Facebook group and events are exactly what I was looking for and listening to the podcasts on my drives from Niagara Falls to Toronto has been able to pick me when I ask myself “Is it worth it and am I on the right track?”

It is refreshing listening to you because you guys help people live life on their terms and it all comes from a place of genuine honesty with a lot of integrity (unlike a few other real estate investment networks I am part of)

If you are ever thinking about stopping doing what you are doing, please call me so I can talk you out of it ASAP 😉

- Mike Montazer, Toronto, ON

BIG BENEFIT #5 VIP Front of the Line Access to ALL Classes, PLUS First Access to Events & Event Recordings!

We are introducing more “Specialty Classes” to the Rock Star Membership all the time.

Forcing Appreciation, Legal Second & Garden Suites, Airbnb, Infill Land Development, Student Rentals, Multi-Unit Investing, Joint Venture Strategies, Property Management Techniques, Updated Real Estate Accounting & Tax Classes, Landlord Legal Rights, and more. 

On top of that, we’ve added more classes about business building, multiple streams of income, and creating new sources of cash flow not specific to real estate. Demand is already huge, in fact, they’re overflowing.

As a VIP Member, you will have front-of-the-line access to our Training Room for each of these!

One Joint Venture Class had over 150 members respond from a single email – we know the demand for these classes will be high and the value added to your own education and confidence is HUGE!

Plus, as VIP Members, you get first access to Your Life. Your Terms. Event registration and Event recordings!

These events are packed with insights and strategies that can benefit you and your investments from day 1 so early access gives you a competitive advantage and can help you move forward faster with confidence!

Having event recordings before the rest of the crowd means you can take the lessons, updates, and insights shared and put them to work right away. As investors, we know how important it is to act fast and act smart.

The information shared in these recordings has the power to help you do just that, and that’s too big of an advantage to overlook.

PLUS Share the Secrets and Tools to Living Life On Your Terms With The People Who Matter Most – Get Complimentary Access For 3 Guests To The Your Life. Your Terms. Events

You’ve undoubtedly heard it before—you are who you surround yourself with.

And that’s exactly why the Your Life. Your Terms. Events are so special. You’re in a room full of people who get it. They understand where you’re coming from, what you’re working toward, and what it takes to grow.

But let’s be real—outside of these events, it’s not always easy to explain what you’re doing or why you’re doing it. You can try to tell your friends, family, or coworkers, but sometimes, the best way to help them understand is to show them.

As a VIP Member, you can bridge that gap. Bring up to three guests with you—for free—to the Your Life. Your Terms. Event.

It’s the perfect chance to share what you’re up to with the people in your life. Show them the energy, the inspiration, and the kind of thinking that’s helping you move forward. Who knows? Maybe it’ll inspire them to join you on this journey too.

This isn’t just about attending an event; it’s about building a stronger, more supportive network for yourself—and for them.

BIG BENEFIT #6 Access to Private One-on-One Consultations with Tom and Nick

We both guard our time viciously. Time is the most wasted, underused, and often least understood asset we all deal with every single day.  Our daily morning and weekly work routines are precious to us.  We do not like to be disturbed. But...

There’s one group of people we’re making time for and that is Rock Star VIP Members.  As a VIP Member, you’re able to book up to 2 private consultations with us throughout the year to discuss anything you’d like.

In the past we’ve consulted on real estate portfolios, raising money, marketing campaigns, social media strategies, and business development.

We’ve critiqued 5-year investing plans and brainstormed new business ideas and had all sorts of discussions with VIP Members.

The only reason we’re agreeing to this is that we’ve found VIP Members are practitioners of the “slight advantage.”  They are people who value that one piece of information that may change the course of their lives.

We enjoy sitting down with people like that because we’re exactly the same.

Again, at the risk of sounding arrogant, we’d like you to know that this is an opportunity that we may not offer next year.  You likely already know if we can be of help to you - take advantage of this now.

BIG BENEFIT #7 NEW Online VIP Speed Networking Events: Expand Your Network of Rock Star VIPs in Only One Lunch Hour

Imagine ‘speed dating,’ but for networking with other VIP members—quick, fun, and super effective. Networking has always been one of the most coveted benefits of the VIP Programs. Still, VIPs asked for more opportunities to network and meet fellow VIPs.

This year, to meet that demand we experimented with lunch hour speed networking with tremendous success.

This is your chance to:

  • Meet New People: Every 12-15 minutes, you’ll be in a new breakout room with two other VIPs. This setup works like a charm—just enough time to get to know each other without dragging it out.
  • Grow Your Network: You’ll meet 5-10 new VIPs in just one hour. These are the kinds of connections that can turn into friendships, partnerships, or even just that person you call when you need a quick chat.
  • Unlock New Opportunities: The people you meet could open doors you didn’t even know existed. Having a strong network is like having a secret weapon—ready when you need it.

As new VIP Members, this is an invaluable chance to build meaningful connections with people who will inspire and push you as you start this new chapter of your journey.

BIG BENEFIT #8 $200 Discount on our Lifetime Investor Support Fee (reg: $495) Along With Upcoming Rock Star Programs and Events

Here’s a “hard money” benefit that will put money in your pocket and if you’re looking to acquire several properties this benefit alone will put hundreds of dollars directly back into your pocket with a $200 savings off our regular $495 Lifetime Investor Support Fee with anything else we do, for example:

This will also be the year we roll out two new things.

  • Rock Star Entrepreneur Summit – A new, high-level, yearly event focused on the latest business building, marketing, and productivity strategies and tactics we’ve learned in growing our businesses from $0 to high seven figures.
  • A private, one on one coaching program with Nick or myself to take the strategies that work, morph them to your specific business, and have them implemented.

Not only will you have first access to these but you will receive a discounted rate. Although the final investment amounts for each of these are still to be finalized the savings on one of these programs will pay for a large amount or even your entire year’s VIP membership.

Of course, as a Rock Star Inner Circle VIP Member, you’ll continue to receive ALL of the benefits of Membership including:

  1. The monthly 12-page Monthly RSIC Newsletter
  2. Personalized coaching with your Rock Star coach
  3. Access to Your Life. Your Terms. events at no cost
  4. Rock Star Member Training Classes
  5. Private Member’s Only website
  6. Access to our “Power Team,” and more

BOTTOM LINE – YOU’VE BEEN MISSING OUT ON the best… the highest level… the most insider of insider information from Nick and I, drawn from our current experiences and accumulated successes, and from our top coaching members and clients.

Frankly, we reserve our most important information and insights for RSIC VIP Members and we make no bones about it!

Click Here to Upgrade to VIP


As we just mentioned, Nick and I guard our time ferociously. We also invest tens of thousands of dollars a year on our own education growth, mastermind groups, events, and meetings.

As a result, we have access to a lot of top professionals throughout North America and are familiar with what’s included in many of their programs, and what they charge for them. It is ALWAYS our intent to deliver “more for less” to our own Members at every opportunity.

In this instance, we are doing exactly that. It is very common for this type of coaching program to provide only one advisor rather than an entire Mastermind Team, fewer calls, and less direct access to have your own questions answered, to cost $800 to $1,200 per month or even more.

However, the fee for this entire VIP Membership is $197.95  $167.95 (till Jan. 3, 2025) a month… probably less than your monthly cable TV bill… and they don’t teach these Money Making Strategies on TV.

We suppose that we should point out, just ONE really good idea, strategy, improvement or kick in the butt you get from all this can easily provide more added income in your life, your investing, your business than the whole year’s investment.

In fact, one of our RSIC VIP Members shared with us that he managed to earn over $50,000 in PROFITS from the buy-out of just one of his properties and is cash flowing so strongly on his others that he is aggressively pushing his profits back into buying even more property. And these properties are in areas that he would not have looked at seriously, was it not for their RSIC VIP Membership.

In many areas of life, investing and business, only ONE or just a few good new ideas you wouldn’t get otherwise, recoups the entire year’s investment. Anyway, we’re sure you realize it is a nearly trivial fee to request, in comparison to all the value being delivered. And it is THE ONLY WAY to get access to the ADVANCED strategies that we’re assembling, along with our entire team.

So, Are You Ready to Upgrade to RSIC VIP Membership?

Let’s review all the things you’re missing out on:

  • Exclusive VIP Training Classes Led by Tom, Nick & Special Guests, past classes include:

    • How Technology is Changing the Real Estate Game Forever

    • Bitcoin: The Apex Financial Asset of Our Generation

    • How to Create Lasting Connections with Your Children

    • Ontario LTB Updates, Trends & Strategies with Paralegal Kelly Hawkes

    • PLUS: Advanced Rock Star Economic Update for VIP Members

    • PLUS: Town Hall Format Q & A session

  • Rock Star VIP Member Only FREE Semi-Annual Dinner & Networking Event
  • Access to Exclusive VIP Sections of the Your Life. Your Terms. App and Member Site – Untap the Wealth of Years of VIP Knowledge with Class Archives!
  • Exclusive, for VIP Members Only, Facebook and Telegram Group for Real-Time Networking
  • $200 Discount on our Lifetime Investor Support Fee (reg: $495) Along With Upcoming Rock Star Programs and Events
  • Online VIP Speed Networking Events: Expand Your Network of Rock Star VIPs in Only One Lunch Hour
  • Access to Private One-on-One Consultations with Tom & Nick
  • VIP Front of the Line Access to ALL Classes, PLUS Bonus Event Guests!
  • Of course, as a ROCK STAR INNER CIRCLE
    VIP Member you’ll continue to receive ALL of the benefits of Membership including:
    • The monthly 12-Page Monthly RSIC Newsletter
    • Personalized coaching with your Rock Star coach
    • Access to Your Life. Your Terms. events at no cost
    • Rock Star Member Training Classes
    • Private Member’s Only website
    • Access to our “Power Team”, and more
Click Here to Upgrade to VIP

Receive 13 Valuable Bonuses by Upgrading

If you’ve read this far we know you’re one of us. So we’re going to ethically bribe you to take action to make this year your best, most powerful, most profitable year ever.

If you take us up on our already very generous offer we’re going to give you these 5 incredible bonuses.

BONUS #1: How the Biggest Trends of Our Lifetimes Will Change Our Future Forever with Jeff Booth ($197 Value)

The world is changing at lightning speed and you can either adapt with it, or fall behind. But knowing what trends to pay attention to through all the noise in the media can leave you confused or headed in the wrong direction.

This is critical point in history to get the right guidance and insights from someone who knows what’s going down.

Listen to this intimate conversation between Tom & Jeff Booth on how the biggest trends of our lifetimes will change our future forever.

Jeff Booth is a technology entrepreneur and the best-selling author of The Price of Tomorrow – Why Deflation is Key to an Abundant Future. He is a Founding Partner of ego death capital and the Co-Founder of addy, has over 357,000 Twitter followers, and is a sought-after speaker for event keynotes, television interviews, and podcasts.

We flew Jeff out to the last Your Life. Your Terms. Event for Rock Star Members, but VIP’s had access to an exclusive evening with Jeff, to hear what he sees as the biggest trends of our lifetimes in technology and economics, and the impact he believes these trends will have on the world.

Plus, VIPs had the rare chance to speak with Jeff in-person and get answers to their questions

We’ve packaged up this private conversation exclusively for VIPs. This is a true information advantage, packed with actionable advice you can immediately implement to put yourself in the best position to get head in the coming years.

This may be the most valuable VIP presentation ever.

BONUS #2: Private Access to YLYT Pre-Event Evenings ($747 Value)

We’ve previously planned special, intimate gatherings on the Friday nights before a Your Life. Your Terms. Event.

It’s allowed us to bring in guest speakers who are in town and have a more private, intimate chat where they share exclusive insights they wouldn’t share on the main stage the next day!

It’s also opened up the opportunity for Q&A, and open conversations with these guests, which is impossible to do with 1,000+ people at the YLYT Events.

Because of the format of these evenings, spots for these special events are very limited, and in high-demand. As a VIP, you will get special, complementary first-chance access to get a ticket to these evenings.

BONUS #3: Rock Star Roadmap to Navigating the Unpredictable & Growing Your Business ($1,549 Value)

When sh*t hits the fan, you need a reliable strategy to maneuver yourself, your business and your assets into a position to come out smelling like roses.

This 4-part course walks you through the processes Rock Star and other businesses how put in place to tackle the challenges we all face and the systems and mindset you need to thrive.

Lesson 1: The Entrepreneur’s Journey, Changing Business Landscape & Huge Macro Trends to Ride

Entrepreneurship is rarely a straight path. Becoming a successful entrepreneur is often a long and winded journey.

But what if you can cut short your pathway to success? What if you can avoid the common mistakes and go straight to the valuable lessons learned that you can apply to YOUR business?

That’s exactly what you’ll get with “The Entrepreneur’s Journey, Changing Business Landscape & Huge Macro Trends to Ride”. You’ll learn the common pitfalls entrepreneurs fall into and how to avoid them. How to spot and take advantage of new business opportunities. How to build and use a successful entrepreneur’s mindset (many entrepreneurs underestimate this), and much more.

Learning how other entrepreneurs “level up”, what obstacles they encountered, and how they overcame them helps you make better decisions in your own business.

Lesson 2: Important Lessons the Pandemic Taught Us Which We Won’t Soon Forget

Tom and Nick share what Rock Star did to thrive during the turbulent markets of the last few years. They share their wins and losses and all the lessons learned during the course of the pandemic. They also share the business fundamentals that gave them the confidence to keep Rock Star afloat even with the prospect of reduced revenue looming every day.

Lesson 3: The Tahinis Story: How to Grow A Local Restaurant Business, Leverage Social Media, Balance Sheet Optimization & Franchising

Tom speaks to the owners of Tahini - Ali, and Omar who have broken the norm on how to market their shawarma restaurant and have used social media as an arsenal to propel their business. They’ve grown from one restaurant out of London, Ontario to a chain of franchises all across Ontario. They’ve set their goals to dominate the Canadian market in the near future and also plan to set foot in America. Ali and Omar also share their challenges and how they used it to their advantage to build a whole new business. This is one inspiring story that you just can’t miss!

Lesson 4: The Mindset of an Entrepreneur

Deciding to invest in real estate also means you’re deciding to become an entrepreneur. While it’s important to have the drive necessary to become an entrepreneur it’s also equally important to have the entrepreneur mindset to be successful. Tom and Nick share their entrepreneurial fundamentals and 9 critical components for entrepreneurial success. 

BONUS #4: Rock Star’s Practical Guide to Running Your Own Real Estate Empire ($1,449 Value)

Investing in real estate is a business, and it should be treated as such. That doesn’t mean you need to be a shark to succeed. What you do need is a practical toolkit you can put to use to grow your business. With ‘Rock Star’s Practical Guide To Running Your Own Business’, you’ll receive a 4-part video series including a proven roadmap, marketing secrets that’ll set you apart from the competition, a guide to creating business exposure, and the tools to make it all possible.

Lesson 1: Rock Star Business Building Roadmap & How to Tackle Today’s Economy

Tom walks through the Rock Star Business Building Guide. This is the very blueprint that helped take Rock Star from zero to a multi-million-dollar business. Whether you’re a novice, or already running a business, this guide will provide the simple and repeatable steps to grow your business to the next level.

Lesson 2: What’s Working in The Real World: Technology, Websites & Marketing Systems

The Rock Star marketing team deep dives into marketing funnels, landing pages, social media ads, and testing. Discover how email marketing dynamics are changing and what you need to focus on to achieve the best results.

Lesson 3: The Podcasting Opportunity & How to Maximize Your Business Exposure

Tom explains why podcasting has become a critical marketing medium for all businesses, including real estate investors. He also reveals the entire process and the equipment we use at the Rock Star office to get a podcast episode online. If you’re looking to get started or can’t decide if podcasting needs to be part of your marketing efforts, then this is for you.

Lesson 4: Tool Time: The Apps, Processes, Shortcuts & Technology to Grow Your Business

Nick shares a ton of tools that we use at the Rock Star office to get a lot of our work done. These tools have helped us increase our productivity and deliver some stellar marketing campaigns. From getting blazing load times on the website to managing your teams, we share all the tools that have helped us scale.

BONUS #5: Online Marketing Foundations - A Proven Step-by-Step Formula to Create, Run & Master Your Very Own Online Marketing ($397 Value)

We’ve put together our own step-by-step system for creating a solid online marketing foundation and we’ve built it slowly and steadily over the years. It’s a system that has totally empowered us to grow from almost no sales at all, to shocking our accountant with seven figures in revenues.

And now, finally, we’re ready to share our ‘secret formula’ with you. The best part is that these simple steps work, whether you’re selling a product, service, program, course, or a live event. Your business doesn’t need to be a huge global enterprise, you can run a very successful online marketing operation part-time from home, just like we did!

BONUS #6: Creating Cash Flow From Scratch – Zero Dollars and Zero Clients to Seven Figures ($525 Value)

As investors, we all know the importance of cash flow.

Creating more cash flow is the number one reason we see people start investing in properties.

But the cash flow isn’t for the properties, it’s for their lives, and like anything, there are stages to it.

This is where we cover the 6 stages of growing a business from $0 to $2.5 million and beyond, along with the core components of each.

This is essentially a roadmap for any income producing venture you’re a part of, whether it’s becoming a full-time investor, starting a professional clinic, running an international company online, or anything else.

This ISN’T for people looking for the latest fads or flash in the pan tactics.

It’s the real stuff.

These are the lessons we’ve learned from taking our companies from $0 to eight figures of income. Things like:

  • What to absolutely avoid in Stage 1, which will put you out of business before you start
  • The single most important system you can develop to create longevity and limit competition
  • What software to use and when
  • The key team members needed and at what stage to bring them on board
  • How to effectively move from “working in” your business to “working on” your business
  • What to outsource and what to keep control of
  • How to attract people to be part of it all
  • Whether it’s building a real estate empire or a different source of cash flow, this is a roadmap to follow to have greater results in less time.

BONUS #7: The Simple & Repeatable Investing System Making Local Investors Up To $10,000 a Month From Just 1 Property! ($297 Value)

Are you a student rental investor?

Maybe you’re looking to pick one up for your kid who’s heading to college soon.

Or you’re looking for higher returns and more cash flow.

If so, then you’ll LOVE this.

We’ve packaged up everything you need to successfully invest in student rentals:

  • The Simple, Step-by-Step Rock Star Strategy for Successfully Investing in Student Rentals Quickly for Top Dollar
  • Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Most Recent Rentals Investors Picked Up And See What Rents They’re Charging In Which Areas And What Cash Flow Numbers They’re Seeing
  • Exact Lease Templates, Forms, And Additional Appendices We Use For This Strategy
  • Detailed Map Of The BEST Areas To Optimize this Strategy In Ontario...Including The Exact Proximity To In-Demand Areas So There’s ZERO Speculation, HIGH Rents, And LOW Vacancies.
  • How To Convince The Big 6 Banks To Finance Your Rentals And Get Competitive Rates – NO B.S. Insight From Someone ‘On The Inside’
  • Selecting the Correct Insurance Plus The Top Pre-Vetted Student Rental Insurance Providers We Use Ourselves And Hundreds Of Investors Use To Protect Their Properties how to capitalize on demand for student housing and use it to make more money
  • and way more!

You’ll get the exact proven systems we are using successfully on our student rentals right now.

It’s now all packaged up in one convenient bundle so you have everything in front of you.

Click Here to Upgrade to VIP

Extra Bonuses If You Upgrade Before 
January 3, 2025 (at Midnight)

That’s right, we’re going to sweeten this deal even more by offering you five limited-time bonuses! If you upgrade before Friday, January 3, 2025 by midnight...

BONUS #8: 2025 VIP Kick-Off Call with Tom & Nick ($287 Value)

Becoming a VIP is a massive step in your investing journey and puts you in a position to get first access to life-changing information, surround yourself with some of the biggest doers who’ll push you towards your goals, and much, much more…

To make sure you get started on the right foot in 2025, you’ll gain access to the New Year VIP Kick-Off Call!

Discover what you need to know heading into 2025 so you can put yourself in the best position to crush goals, and get ahead.

You’ll uncover what to anticipate in the local markets, and the larger economic picture and how to navigate the coming months.

Plus, get practical productivity strategies to implement now to save yourself valuable time, so you can spend your time doing what matters... living life on your terms!

BONUS #9: The Perfect Week Formula: Build Your Business Around Your Life, Not Your Life Around Your Business ($145 Value)

If you’re struggling to grow your business...working 60+ hours a week...burned out on your career...missing precious family and personal time to put out fires...and trapped by the “golden handcuffs” of success... I have good news.

It isn’t your fault and it doesn’t have to stay this way.

In Craig Ballantyne book, The Perfect Week Formula, he’ll teach you the exact systems and strategies you need to double your income in your business or career while working 10-20 fewer hours each week.

By the time you’re done reading, you’ll have unstoppable clarity, discipline, and a proven strategy to accomplish your biggest goals in half the time...all while having the freedom to do the things that matter most to you.

THIS is the solution to burnout, overwhelm, and anxiety. It’s worked for many Rock Star Members, it’s worked for Craig’s 200+ millionaire clients, and it will work for you.

If you’re ready to consistently experience your PERFECT weeks, weeks where you accomplish 2-3X more than you do right now while still having the freedom to spend time with your family, pursue your passion projects, and enjoy the results you’ve worked so hard to achieve...this is the system that will help you start living life on your terms!

BONUS #10: The Family Board Meeting: You Have 18 Summers to Create Lasting Connection with Your Children ($30 Value)

The Rock Star Inner Circle’s motto is, Your Life. Your Terms.

It’s the reason we all invest, to have the financial freedom to live the life we want.

With everything going on in the world around us, it’s too easy to lose sight of our reason ‘why’ and get consumed by to-do lists, social media, and sensationalized news. That’s why The Family Board Meeting by our good friend Jim Sheils has been so valuable to us.

It’s an easy but powerful read that’ll help you refocus and prioritize what’s most important in your life.

And it goes beyond parenting and building quality family time and memories. This is a valuable book for everyone, providing strategies for maximizing happiness, realizing your dreams, and how you can get head without sacrificing what’s most important to you.

BONUS #11: Brand New RSIC VIP Member Your Life. Your Terms. Hoodie! ($50 Value)

Be proud to be a part of an exclusive group of investors who’ve taken the initiative to invest in themselves and their future. Shout it out to the world that you’re taking action to live life on your terms. As a Rock Star VIP Member, we’re going to send you one of our BRAND-NEW Your Life. Your Terms. VIP Hoodies!

You may not discover hidden investing strategies up the sleeves…

But you will find a new sense of confidence. When you wear your hoodie you’re saying to the world, “I’m not sitting by. I’m taking real action to live life on my terms.”

Maybe it sparks a conversation with a friend or family member… maybe that leads to a future Joint Venture partner… or maybe your motivation to be serious about planning for your future and how you want to live that life rubs off on someone and gets them started on a similar journey… or maybe it just reminds you of your long-term goals and gives you the boost you need to take one step after another.

BONUS #12: The Neuroscience of High Performance – How Your Brain Is Rigged To Hold You Back and How To Overcome It ($160 Value)

This is fact, not fiction.

Our brains are pre-wired to seek familiarity and safety.

Which means it doesn’t like it when we take strides to reach new heights.

But by understanding this, we can use it to our advantage.

Whether you like to “geek out” on this type of thing or not, the lessons here are immediately applicable.

This presentation, from 3 years ago, was called by some members one of the best and most impactful they’ve seen.

Others attributed some of the strategies directly to overcoming roadblocks that were in their way for years.

This will be the first time we’re distributing the presentation in its entirety with the supporting materials to go with it.

Together, they act as your own roadmap for performance.

BONUS #13: Inflation-Busting Pricing Rollback – Expires January 3, 2025 ($281 Value)

Inflation is raising the cost of everything, eating at our savings. And while owning good assets, like real estate helps protect your money, we know that saving every dollar makes a difference.

That’s why, for anyone who wants to get rolling to start the New Year, we’re rolling back the cost to 2018 pricing.

This leaves an extra 407 loonies in your pocket this year.

Just think of the smiles when you or your family find them under the couch cushions!

Click Here to Upgrade to VIP

Why You Just Can’t Refuse Our Invitation to Step Up to the Big Leagues to Enter Our Most Advanced & Elite Inner Circle

LOOK, one simple strategy that increases your income or your cash flow by a measly amount will allow you to recoup the entire investment in RSIC VIP. You know us.

You know just how seriously we take this and what impact we’ve had on people.

Is it possible for you to think that our delivery of our very best and most advanced advice won’t boost your income by $167.95 a month?!?!?!  

If you’re ready to get off the bench and join the big leagues, then RSIC VIP is for you. Now. All you have to do is email or fax in the Upgrade Form to Our Office TODAY or upgrade by clicking the button below.

Dedicated to Multiplying Your Income,

P.S. Still not convinced? Here’s another success story from someone who upgraded to RSIC VIP...

P.P.S. All you have to do is call the Membership team at our office (905-388-6964 ext.210) or upgrade online at www.RockStarInnerCircle.com/vip