Attn Real Estate Investors: Join Hundreds of Successful Active Investors on Sat Oct 5 – Details at

Rock Star Inner Circle VIP Program


The Biggest, Baddest, Rock Star Inner Circle VIP Program Ever!

[vc_custom_heading text="Real Estate Investors, Business
Owners, Entrepreneurs,
Big Thinkers & Massive Action Takers" font_container="tag:h1|text_align:center|color:%23000000" google_fonts="font_family:Orbitron%3Aregular%2C500%2C700%2C900|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal"][vc_custom_heading text="Direct Regular Access to
Tom & Nick and Their Latest Insights" font_container="tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%23000000" google_fonts="font_family:Orbitron%3Aregular%2C500%2C700%2C900|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal"]

Plus, Receive Special Bonuses Reserved Exclusively For VIP Members. Together they are worth $2,416.00 and many VIP Members consider these the most valuable part of the entire program!

From: Tom & Nick Karadza

If you’ve been a Rock Star Inner Circle Member for any length of time you’ve become familiar, comfortable, and conversant with the “language” and “culture” of our unique “tribe” of great people. You’ve proven yourself to be one of us – a forward thinking, progressive, assertive, action-taker utilizing “Rock-Star-Style” investing – and we want to reward you for your commitment to yourself and your business.


At this point you should have separated yourself from the “dreamers” and the “couch potatoes” that make excuses. You are serious about IMPLEMENTATION. You’ve transitioned from reading and listening to learning and ACTION. You’ve no doubt experienced profound breakthroughs in the way you think about your investing. You’re a lot like our most successful Members.

The only question that we have for you is…

Why aren’t you a Rock Star Inner Circle VIP Member?

Read on...

One of Nick’s favourite sayings is: “The BIGGEST difference between an average income and Financial Freedom is IMPLEMENTATION.” – But there’s another thing that skyrockets people up the ladder of success; access to the best and brightest minds in the field. And if you haven’t reached the top of the ladder, or if you know you could do better, that could be what you’re missing.

To be completely blunt, over the past few years we have helped Rock Star Inner Circle Members acquire over ONE BILLION dollars in investment real estate. The systems and processes we’ve created have given us national exposure and attracted speaking requests to other investing groups around the country. Why? It’s because we deliver FAST, PHENOMENAL results. Together we’ve guided hundreds of investors to achieve the success in real estate investing that they were searching for – for years! Will you be next?

Or perhaps you want to grow your income streams beyond just real estate?
Business creation, development, growth, and systems are the other focus of this group. We openly share the most successful strategies we’ve used to grow our business from two guys working out of a storage room trying to figure out next steps to one of Canada’s fastest growing on the Profit 500 list for three straight years.

Creating multiple streams of income was the tipping point financially for us. The impact was so huge that we wanted to help other people do the same thing, but avoid the missteps we took.

Everything covered in the VIP group is from first-hand experience, by us or anyone involved. Frankly, we’re still learning from many of the members as well.

We guess it could be our fault that you’re not already a VIP Member.

Maybe we’ve failed to specifically and directly invite you…

To fully explain the privileges and information reserved EXCLUSIVELY for VIP Members, to push you about this.

Or it’s possible you haven’t joined because you just became aware of all the benefits of this higher level of Rock Star Inner Circle Membership including direct, live and in-person, intimate access to Nick and me. If that’s the case, we can fix that right now with this letter.

If there is one thing that is absolutely, abundantly, inarguably clear about our Members who keep breaking their own records, topping their own incomes, hitting one new peak after another; it’s that they invest heavily in acquiring and using EVERYTHING we make available – especially to VIP Members.

There’s a rapidly growing list of these members who’ve increased their year-to-year cash flow… started new businesses or added-on more properties using systems that cut their work by 1/3rd while increasing their net worth.

If you ask for a show of hands at a Rock Star Member Event, as to which members are taking the most action and which are VIP Members, you’ll see the same hands. It’s just NOT a coincidence that they are the ones “in the front row” of everything that is offered. VIP Membership does NOT “cost”… it is an investment!

Maybe you haven’t joined because you feel you’re already getting more information than you can put to use. To put it bluntly, that’s a sad excuse to stay in the minor leagues. It probably means you’re wasting too much time doing stuff that’s a ‘2’ on a 1-10 opportunity scale.

It’s our firm belief that most people completely UNDER INVEST in both their long term investing AND their personal development. The VIP Program was created to help solve this.

Actually, THE best reason TO step up to VIP Member is so you can create time and productivity and investing breakthroughs. Furthermore, nowhere else do we laser-focus on the highest value info in such concise form.

Well, whatever the reason you’ve been missing out, we’d like to fix this mistake right now – and offer you a list of valuable BONUSES as a reward for taking IMMEDIATE action. (Plus, you’ll actually get to network with the ‘Best of the Best’ Rock Star Inner Circle Members in this ‘exclusive’ program… as you will soon see!)

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Upgrading to Rock Star VIP Membership" font_container="tag:h1|text_align:center"][dt_fancy_separator separator_style="thick"]

BIG BENEFIT #1 Live Quarterly VIP Training Classes

4 Quarterly LIVE & IN-PERSON Training Classes & Town Hall Sessions

There are three things that we are consistently asked for:

  • More Rock Star Quality Training Classes
  • More "Behind the Scenes" of the Economic Updates, More Personal Development Strategies & More Insights Into Real Estate
  • More Time to Network with Action Taking Investors

We’re answering the call with Quarterly VIP Exclusive Half Day Training Classes & Town Hall Sessions.

Each Quarter Get the Very Latest:

Behind the Scenes Economic Updates, Real Estate Developments, Hot Seat Insights, Effective Business and Marketing Strategies & High-Performance Personal Development Breakthroughs...

Important Special Note on VIP Classes: Class topics and content are constantly changing in real time to ensure VIP Members are getting the very latest information—no two VIP classes are ever the same!

Here are examples of past Quarterly VIP Classes

EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS:  Real Estate Investing Strategy Update + Economic Deep Dive

With massive population growth through immigration, low-interest rates, the unstoppable condo market and never-ending urban sprawl, there are constant tweaks and updates to the strategies we are seeing work best.

In this class, we’ll share the very latest and advanced buy-fix-rent, buy-fix-flip, cash flow and quick-turn real estate strategies we’ve either done ourselves, helped with or had Rock Star members complete with huge success.

This isn’t for beginners and some of these have high risks. We’ll be bringing in guest investors to share their actual stories, thought processes, successes, and challenges with each of these.

Understanding how to invest is one matter, knowing which strategy works best in the current economic climate is another. We’ll be doing an “Economic Deep Dive” on the state of the global economy.

This will be an advanced and extra session that compliments the popular Economic Updates at the Rock Star “Your Life. Your Terms.” Events.

If you’re looking to “go deep” on your understanding of current events, this is the class cannot be missed. It could be one of the most valuable investments in your financial future that you’ll ever make.

EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS:  Advanced Rock Star Marketing Laboratory

We don’t like to toot our own horn but we want you to know that we’re approached constantly by some of the top marketers in North America to share our strategies.

One of the very top direct-response marketers in the world refers to us as two very advanced students of the game. We’ve recently been approached to consider joining forces with one of the top real estate trainers to share our marketing systems.

To date, we’ve not shared any of what we do outside of Rock Star.

Part of the reason our marketing knowledge is in demand is that we are one of the few businesses who go out and generate their own clients.

We started with zero clients, no database, zero emails, no members, no sales … nothing, nada.

Today our businesses have had nationally recognized growth and gross in the multiple seven figures.

Each and every month we are testing, experimenting, tweaking, playing and creating numerous marketing campaigns.

We understand Facebook, YouTube, Google, Email, both paid and free Search Engine advertising and…

…we go old-school too. We run direct mail campaigns, newspapers, fax broadcasts, and radio.

In this Marketing Laboratory, we’re going to walk you through a training class on the very latest strategies that are working in the real world.

No fluff. No hype. Just results.

To gain this knowledge we have spent hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars … if we took the time to add it all up we’re sure we would be close to $1 Million dollars in advertising and marketing spending at this point – we have spent a lot and learned a lot!

We have had Rock Star Members pay us thousands of dollars for this knowledge and this is the very first time we’re including a Marketing Class as part of the VIP Program.

It’s all part of our goal to offer as much value to you as humanly possible.

Whether you are looking to start a side-business, grow your Real Estate Joint Venture opportunities or grow a current business we’re 100% positive you’ll take value from this class.

VIP Hot Seat May 2015-2EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS:  Rock Star VIP Member HOT SEAT Experience

Let’s face it, we make the most change in our lives when someone holds our feet to the fire.

This special VIP Class is more of an experience than training. It will be part instructional, part emotional, part mastermind and very direct.

Our own personal and professional growth has come from having people we trust call us out on obvious mental hurdles.

We’ve literally paid tens of thousands of dollars to sit on hot seats ourselves.

During this class, we’ll have VIP Members “on the clock” with fast but effective hot seat experiences where they’ll share their biggest problems, real estate, business or otherwise and we’ll provide real-time feedback and guidance.

We’ve found that the more personal you get in these sessions, the more effective they are.

And interestingly, we’ve often learned the most about ourselves watching and listening as someone else shares their struggles.

It’s almost as if we can’t see our own problems until we see someone else struggle with the same ones.

It would be easy to dismiss a class like this as “air-fairly” and “pie-in-sky” silliness but nothing could be farther from the truth.

Very few of us take the time to reflect deeply on what’s holding us back.

And even fewer of us have people in our lives who will call us out, honestly and openly.

We’ll all learn a lot from this… both practical investing and personal development lessons will rise to the surface during our time together.

EXCLUSIVE VIP CLASS:  Quitting Your Job & Going It Alone, Productivity Hacks & Systems for Real Estate, Business & Life

(Special Note: In this class, we shared our latest findings on the science behind top performers. The feedback from this specific class was incredible. We travel all over North America to gather information and bring back the most useful strategies for Rock Star Inner Circle VIP Members.)

Time is the one asset that we all have equal amounts of, yet some of us get a lot done while others struggle with it.

We’ve never been accused of being the most politically correct brothers, or the most grammatically correct or even the most polished.

But we have been accused of being efficient. We’ve been told that we get more done in a day than some do in a week.

We’re not sure how accurate that is but we do accept that we’ve collected a lot of habits that have increased our efficiency.

Some are obvious, others not so much.

We have tactics and tools that we’ll share with you. Apps and programs and websites and shortcuts.

But perhaps even more importantly, in the class, we’ll share our principles … our “modus operandi” … the thinking that goes behind getting stuff done.

We’ll take you behind the scenes of what it takes to get a lot done while juggling a career, family, properties, friends, and hobbies.

We’ll cover personal, daily productivity – everything from our morning routines, to reading habits, to information digestion and strategy sessions.

And we’ll cover strategies we use for dealing with tenants, contractors, and properties to keep ourselves sane and organized.

You’ll also get the latest operations we use for finding good people to join our team and for further developing our influence and branding presence within the community in an organized way.

Nothing will be kept back, you’ll get it all!



We experimented with this once before and it worked out so well we’re incorporating into each of the Rock Star VIP Classes.

TOWN HALL SESSION: As part of the classes we’ll have an open Town Hall format question and answer session that will allow us to share with each other.

We can discuss anything on your mind: mortgages, interest rates, housing prices, U.S. investing etc.

The VIP Group is made up of investors with vast experiences and often the answer you’re looking for on almost any topic resides with someone in the room.

So during the classes, we’ll open up the floor to free flowing question and answer time between Rock Star VIP Members.

We’ll be there moderating it and participating as well. In the past, these frank discussions have helped investors with tax questions, with flipping properties, with website traffic generation and Joint Ventures and more.

Your peers make up a powerful resource and this format quickly turns into an effective “mastermind” session between like-minded individuals.

Who are you hanging around lately?




BIG BENEFIT #2 Live VIP Video Conferences with Tom & Nick Karadza

Nick and I host LIVE video conferences exclusively for VIP Members, either with ‘hard to reach’ guest experts or ourselves, where we tackle one important topic after another.   Here’s a sampling of some of the past calls…

VIPTaxOPTIMIZING YOUR TAX & LEGAL STRUCTURES with Special Guests John Paul McDonald, Fabio Campanella & Chris Argiropoulos:

Having two real estate accountants on the phone along with a real estate lawyer is bound to be jam packed with information. On this call, John Paul & Fabio shared various personal and tax structures and how to efficiently deal with your taxes when dealing with property. And Chris Argiropoulos covered all the nuances of Joint Venture structures that many investors completely miss. 

RSIC VIP MEMBER MATTHEW ROCHEFORD on “How to Create 9 Websites That Produce Purely Passive Income”

During Matthew’s talk with us, he outlines how he started one simple website that exceeded his income expectations with no product and no inventory. He then used outsourcing strategies to grow that website further and applied the same strategies to duplicate the process to create a total of 9 different websites that produce ongoing, purely passive, income and generate tens of thousands of visitors a month.

VIPLuxROCK STAR RUBEN FURTADO on “Luxury Home Updates & Flipping Properties for Seven Figure Incomes”

Ruben has a quickly growing reputation as one of the most in-demand, high-end home design and build consultants in Oakville. He’s now licensed and works with Rock Star Real Estate, and on this call, he shares how custom homebuilders and flippers are capitalizing on the very high-end home market. If you’re not familiar with Ruben he flipped a property in Oakville that sold for $4.5 Million dollars and profited handsomely.

Of course, we also discuss ADVANCED ‘What’s-Working-NOW’ strategies with top real estate investors from within the Rock Star Inner Circle membership.

For example, you recently missed a call that got more positive feedback than any others… Time Management Simplified: How To Manage Your Time To Achieve Maximum Results. Achieving peak productivity is the quickest way to achieving more. We revealed to VIP Rock Star Members our secrets for implementing a system to add (at least) 10 more productive, money earning, hours to your week.

Time Management is one of the easiest concepts to overlook, take for granted and ignore but it’s no exaggeration to say that by following what we shared on this call was 90 minutes that could have transformed your life!

Other calls like this, that you’ve been missing include…

*VIP Rock Star ‘Pure Gold’ Call… We shared our most intimate understanding of the precious metals and how and why we choose to own them at this point in the economic cycle. Not only did we share why we’re holding Gold & Silver but explained when exactly we’ll sell it as well.

*VIP Rock Star ‘Economic Update – Your Questions Answered’ Call… Your understanding of economic cycles is the key to acquiring the proper assets and protecting your wealth. This call is often just before or just after a Member Event so that VIP Rock Star members have the opportunity to ask questions and get clarification to exactly what is going on in this “new global economic reality.”

And you’ve been missing out on calls where Nick and I delve deep into specific, high-value topics like How To Manage Your Tenants To Increase Profits From Simple & Effective Communication Strategies… and some “Open Question & Answer” Calls where Nick & I take as many questions as we can… LIVE!

Every VIP Rock Star Video Conference includes opportunity for Q & A with me,
Nick & our Special Guests. EXCLUSIVE ACCESS...

Of course, VIP Rock Star Members also get an Audio CD of every video conference to listen to again as a back-up, in case you missed the session (although you’d be crazy to), and file for future reference… building a unique and exclusive ‘Success Library’ not available to the public.

Yes, you read this right!! Twice a year we get together as a group. Nick and I will be there... AND, hopefully, you will be there too! Rock Star VIP Members are the best, brightest, and most successful real estate investors, with the most amazing marketing and sales skills in the Rock Star Inner Circle. This is your chance to meet them. Your chance to make Joint Venture relationships and make deals. Your chance to learn what they are doing successfully and copy their models.

At the risk of sounding COCKY – What would a day of networking with other Rock Star VIP Members and ‘live’ access to both Nick and myself be worth to you? Not to mention the opportunity to meet and rub elbows with the ‘Best of the Best’ Rock Star Inner Circle Members.


These VIP Dinners have exceeded even our wildest dreams of what is possible when you gather up an incredible group of people. We rent out the ENTIRE restaurant exclusively for you.

We are CONSTANTLY reported to that these dinners are of priceless value. The opportunity to share successes and perhaps more importantly… brainstorm solutions to current challenges… with other successful investors is worth pure GOLD.

This is a group of people that understands what you are going through and can give you the kick in the rear that you need to reach the next level. Countless, life-long, relationships are created at these dinners along with business relationships and real estate partnerships. This is the place to rub elbows with the best of the best.


VIP NETWORKING: We can sometimes get comfortable in speaking to the same people over and over again. This isn’t the best way to get fresh ideas or new answers to your challenges.

The Rock Star VIP group is chock-full of very successful people in the very diverse industries and niches. This is your opportunity to surround yourself with a group of new peers who will quickly become some of your closest friends.

We’re told over and over again that the people VIP members meet at Rock Star Events and Dinners become very valuable resources, friends and sometimes even Joint Venture partners.


BIG BENEFIT #4 An “INVITATION ONLY” Facebook Group Exclusively for VIP Members to Network in Real Time!


How great would it be to ask questions to other Rock Star Members and receive (or give) guidance and advice when you have a burning question? A few years ago we introduced the VIP Members’ Private Facebook Group and it’s been a great success.

Now, at a moment’s notice, you can interact with other Rock Star VIPs on your own terms. A quick tip on handling a tenant, collecting option fees or managing a tricky situation can be worth thousands of dollars to you.And now it’s all available.

Recently there have been discussions about private mortgage opportunities, professional referrals in different areas, new tools for investors, renovation guidance, and it’s even been used as a high-level focus group a number of times to get opinions on new business ideas or marketing strategies.

BIG BENEFIT #5 VIP Front of the Line Access to ALL Classes Including ANY of the Brand New Classes that Always Fill Up

We are introducing more “Specialty Classes” to the Rock Star Membership all the time. Student Rentals, Multi-Unit Investing, Joint Venture Strategies, Property Management Techniques, Updated Real Estate Accounting & Tax Classes, Landlord Legal Rights and more.

On top of that, we’ve added more classes about business building, multiple streams of income, and creating new sources of cash flow not specific to real estate. Demand is already huge, in fact, they’re overflowing.
As a VIP Member, you will have front-of-the-line access to our Training Room for each of these!
One Joint Venture Class had over 150 members respond from a single email – we know the demand for these classes will be high and the value added to your own education and confidence is HUGE!



BIG BENEFIT #6 Access to Private One-on-One Consultations with Tom and Nick

We both guard our time viciously. Time is the most wasted, underused and often least understood asset we all deal with every single day. Our daily morning and weekly work routines are precious to us. We do not like to be disturbed. But...

There’s one group of people we’re making time for and that is Rock Star VIP Members. As a VIP Member, you’re able to book up to 3 private consultations with us throughout the year to discuss anything you’d like.

In the past we’ve consulted on real estate portfolios, raising money, marketing campaigns, social media strategies, and business development.

We’ve critiqued 5-year investing plans and brainstormed new business ideas and had all sorts of discussions with VIP Members.

The only reason we’re agreeing to this is that we’ve found VIP Members are practitioners of the “slight advantage”. They are people that value that one piece of information that may change the course of their lives.

We enjoy sitting down with people like that because we’re exactly the same.

Again, at the risk of sounding arrogant, we’d like you to know that this is an opportunity that we may not offer next year. You likely already know if we can be of help to you - take advantage of this now.


BIG BENEFIT #7 $200 Discount on our Processing & Investor Support Fee (reg: $495) Along With Upcoming Rock Star Programs and Events

Here’s a “hard money” benefit that will put money in your pocket and if you’re looking to acquire several properties this benefit alone will put hundreds of dollars directly back into your pocket with a $200 savings off our regular $495 Administrative & Processing Fee

This will also be the year we roll out two new things.

  • Rock Star Entrepreneur Summit – A new, high-level, yearly event focused on the latest business building, marketing, and productivity strategies and tactics we’ve learned in growing our businesses from $0 to high seven figures.
  • A private, one on one coaching program with Nick or myself to take the strategies that work, morph them to your specific business, and have them implemented.

Not only will you have first access to these but you will receive a discounted rate. Although the final investment amounts for each of these are still to be finalized the savings on one of these programs will pay for a large amount or even your entire year’s VIP membership.

Of course, as a Rock Star Inner Circle VIP Member, you’ll continue to receive ALL of the benefits of Membership including:

  1. The monthly 12-page Monthly RSIC Newsletter
  2. The monthly RSIC Audio CD Interview Series
  3. Personalized coaching with your Rock Star coach
  4. Access to Your Life. Your Terms. events at no cost
  5. Rock Star Member Training Classes
  6. Private Member’s Only website
  7. Access to our “Power Team,” and more


BOTTOM LINE – YOU’VE BEEN MISSING OUT ON the best… the highest level… the most insider of insider information from Nick and I, drawn from our current experiences and accumulated successes, and from our top coaching members and clients.

Frankly, we reserve our most important information and insights for RSIC VIP Members – and we make no bones about it!



 How Much is All This Worth?


As we just mentioned, Nick and I guard our time ferociously. We also invest tens of thousands of dollars a year on our own education growth, mastermind groups, events, and meetings.

As a result, we have access to a lot of top professionals throughout North America and are familiar with what’s included in many of their programs, and what they charge for them. It is ALWAYS our intent to deliver “more for less” to our own Members at every opportunity.

In this instance, we are doing exactly that. It is very common for this type of coaching program to provide only one advisor rather than an entire Mastermind Team, fewer calls, and less direct access to have your own questions answered, to cost $800 to $1,200 per month or even more.

However, the fee for this entire VIP Membership is $167.95 + HST per month… probably less than your monthly cable TV bill… and they don’t teach these Money Making Strategies on TV.

We suppose that we should point out, just ONE really good idea, strategy, improvement or kick in the butt you get from all this can easily provide more added income in your life, your investing, your business than the whole year’s investment.

In fact, one of our RSIC VIP Members shared with us that he managed to earn over $50,000 in PROFITS from the buy-out of just one of his properties and is cash flowing so strongly on his others that he is aggressively pushing his profits back into buying even more property. And these properties are in areas that they would not have looked at seriously, was it not for their RSIC VIP Membership.

In many areas of life, investing and business, only ONE or just a few good new ideas you wouldn’t get otherwise, recoups the entire year’s investment. Anyway, we’re sure you realize it is a nearly trivial fee to request, in comparison to all the value being delivered. And it is THE ONLY WAY to get access to the ADVANCED strategies that we’re assembling, along with our entire team.

So, are you ready to Upgrade to RSIC VIP Membership?

 Let’s review all the things you’re missing out on:

  • Quarterly Exclusive VIP Training Classes, past classes include:
    • Real Estate Strategy Updates & Economic Deep Dive
    • Advanced Rock Star Marketing Laboratory
    • Rock Star VIP Member Hot Seat Experience
    • Quitting Your Job & Going It Alone: Productivity Hacks for Real Estate, Business & Life
    • PLUS:  Town Hall Format Q & A session with Structured VIP Networking Event
  • LIVE VIP Video Conferences with Tom & Nick Karadza (and Special Guests)
  • Rock Star VIP Member Only FREE Semi-Annual Dinner & Social Event
  • Exclusive, for VIP Members Only, Facebook Group for Real-Time Networking
  • $200 Discount on our Processing & Investor Support Fee (reg: $495) Along With Upcoming Rock Star Programs and Events
  • Access to Private One-on-One Consultations with Tom & Nick
  • ONGOING: Front of the Line Access to All Rock Star Inner Circle Specialty Classes as they are announced. Topics include Student Rentals, Joint Ventures, Multi-Unit Investing, Accounting & Taxes, Property Management Strategies and more!
  • Of course, as a ROCK STAR INNER CIRCLE VIP Member you’ll continue to receive ALL of the benefits of Membership including:
    • The monthly 12-Page Monthly RSIC Newsletter
    • The monthly RSIC Audio CD Interview Series
    • Personalized coaching with your Rock Star coach
    • Access to Your Life. Your Terms. events at no cost
    • Rock Star Member Training Classes
    • Private Member’s Only website
    • Access to our “Power Team”, and more





Receive Valuable Bonuses by Upgrading



If you’ve read this far we know you’re one of us. So we’re going to ethically bribe you to take action to make this year your best, most powerful, most profitable year ever.

If you take us up on our already very generous offer we’re going to give you these 4 incredible bonuses.

BONUS #1: 52 Rock Star Reports - Filled with More Real World, Canadian Specific, Money Making, Real Estate Strategies, Techniques And Tips Than You Can Handle ($324 Value)

These 52 reports are the culmination of everything we’ve learned about Canadian-specific real estate investing. You’ll literally have our very best resources. In these 52 reports you’ll learn how to:

  • Generate more cash flow from your properties than you ever thought possible.
  • Attract all the tenants and buyers you need using easy and straightforward marketing tactics both online and offline.
  • Quickly decide what types of properties work best in different communities – saving you years of frustration and lost profits.
  • Create systems to put your investments on autopilot so you can live your life on your terms.
  • Learn from other Canadian investors who share their step-by-step accounts of how they faced their fears and took action.
  • Put advanced strategies into action on your investments to really crank up your success.
  • Negotiate the best possible terms for yourself and get Seller’s to pay for things you never thought possible.
  • Get things done faster with more success so that you stay motivated.
  • Understand the principles of investing so that you can feel 100% confident with your decisions.
  • Learn marketing principles and strategies that are the key to successful investing. We’re even going to share real-life examples with the exact results. Effective marketing is by far the most overlooked component to successful investing.


BONUS #2: How To Fill Your Properties With Facebook ($450 Value) – Use the World’s Largest Social Media Platform For Your Own Gain

Current Rock Star VIP member, Matthew Rocheford, has been filling current properties and finding tenants for upcoming ones using Facebook for some time now.
It’s led to what he calls “The Tenant Getting Facebook Formula.”

And in this presentation, he unveils exactly how he’s done it.

  • The types of ads which work on Facebook
  • How to get them there
  • The step by step funnel he puts them through including how he has automated the showing schedules and applications.
  • The websites he uses, and critical information to have there
  • How to calculate the cost to get a tenant, and how to leverage this system to find tenants before you buy or take possession of your property.

He outlines the complete step by step system he uses. How much income could the results from this system alone generate for you?


BONUS #3: Online Marketing Foundations - A Proven Step-by-Step Formula to Create, Run & Master Your Very Own Online Marketing ($397 Value)

We’ve put together our own step-by-step system for creating a solid online marketing foundation and we’ve built it slowly and steadily over the years. It’s a system that has totally empowered us to grow from almost no sales at all to shocking our accountant with seven figures in revenues.

And now, finally, we’re ready to share our ‘secret formula’ with you. The best part is that these simple steps work, whether you’re selling a product, service, program, course or a live event. Your business doesn’t need to be a huge global enterprise, you can run a very successful online marketing operation part-time from home, just like we did!


BONUS #4: “The Very Best” of VIP – 6 of our Favourite VIP Calls ever ($396 Value).

We are about to pull down and remove all of the archived VIP calls from the VIP Member Site… forever! But by taking action we’ll open up the vault and send you 6 of our favourite calls from past years of our VIP program in addition to the two we already promised.

We covered topics like:

  • How To Attract Joint Ventures – An Insider’s View into the Setting up and Attraction of Joint Venture Deals
  • Our Private Economic Resources Revealed – We Share ALL the Resources we use Ourselves to Research Interest Rates and the Direction of the Economy!
  • The 4 Types of Websites You Need – Different Websites Serve Different Purposes… We Reveal All on this Call. One of the Best of the Year!
  • Using Corporation for Your Properties – How To Set Them Up To Maximize Your Returns and Protection.
  • U.S. Real Estate Reflections & Living Life on Your Terms with special guest Rob Minton
  • Behind The Scenes of Building a Real Estate Information Business with special guest Julie Broad


Why You Just Can’t Refuse Our Invitation to Step Up to the Big Leagues to Enter Our Most Advanced & Elite Inner Circle

LOOK, one simple strategy that increases your income or your cash flow by a measly amount will allow you to recoup the entire investment in RSIC VIP. You know us.

You know just how seriously we take this and what impact we’ve had on people.

Is it possible for you to think that our delivery of our very best and most advanced advice won’t boost your income by $167.95 a month?!?!?!  

If you’re ready to get off the bench and join the big leagues, then RSIC VIP is for you. Now. All you have to do is email or fax in the Upgrade Form to Our Office TODAY or upgrade by clicking the button below.

Dedicated to Multiplying Your Income,



P.S. Still not convinced? Here’s another success story from someone who upgraded to RSIC VIP...



P.P.S. All you have to do is call Jenny at our office (905-388-6964 ext.210), or fax the Upgrade Form (905-338-2727) into our office TODAY.

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