"Tom and Nick continue to provide constant value via the various sources of media through which they disseminate their information (email, video, newsletters, various classes, etc...). Sometimes the info drives home a similar message (repetition is good - drives home the concept) and most other times there is some nugget or kernel of info that you can take away from it. As members and investors, we understand that they are running a business and part of the success of their business will no doubt depend on how deep you extend your relationship with them (VIP Membership, marketing classes... ) but you don't get the sense that they are peddling product (which they do not do). Instead, they provide meaningful content as it relates to today's markets. As members, we take what applies to us and employ it and should we need to delve further with Rock Star, we feel we are able to do so on our terms. Having been to various real estate promotions in the GTA, Tom, Nick and Rock Star stand out for as being genuine and provide wonderful value for their membership."